Roman Polanski

Roman Polanski - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 5th Oct, 2009 - 3:19pm

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Raped 13 year old then fled the US
Post Date: 28th Sep, 2009 - 6:38pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Roman Polanski

Dirtbag Polanski finally arrested

Roman Polanski was finally arrested for the 1978 rape of a teenager. This piece of garbage had sex with a 13 year old then fled the country, not shockingly, to Europe where apparently it's ok for 45 year olds to shack up with elementary aged children. This bag of scum was allowed to live his life a free man -- for over 3 decades -- and yet France's 'political elite' have rallied to the defense of Polanski calling his arrest regretful and accusing the Swiss of being 'overzealous' in the case. Is it really possible to be 'overzealous' in the pursuit of the person who raped a 13 year old? Apparently it is to the culturally advanced French. Ref. Source 3

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Post Date: 29th Sep, 2009 - 2:06pm / Post ID: #

Roman Polanski
A Friend

Polanski Roman

I find it sickening on how many people are coming out of the woodwork in support of this guy. Oh it is ok that he raped a 13 year old 30 years ago and did not have to pay for his crimes. After all he is a artist and the world needs to see more of his art. This all makes me sick. And people wonder why I do not go to a lot of movies or watch a lot of tv. These actresses and actors are saying it is ok to rape young children.

Post Date: 30th Sep, 2009 - 1:06am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Roman Polanski History & Civil Business Politics

Roman Polanski to fight extradition

Roman Polanski's extradition to the United States on a decades-old sex charge could take years to accomplish after the Oscar-winning film director decided to fight his removal from Europe. Ref. Source 5

Post Date: 30th Sep, 2009 - 3:37pm / Post ID: #

Roman Polanski
A Friend

Polanski Roman

Of course he wants to fight it. HE pleaded guilty to the charge of statutory rape and then fled the country. He does not want to be sitting in jail known as a sexual predator. He wants to be free to make his movies and money. He deserves to be in Jail. How many fathers would want this guy to be free if he drugged their 13 year old daughter and then forced her to have sex?

1st Oct, 2009 - 2:31am / Post ID: #

Polanski Roman

Polanski has traveled many times in and out of Switzerland since his conviction in the US. Why is it different this time...

Source 4

My guess is that Switzerland banking business and government is pretty upset by this pressure to give up it famed secret banking. Polanski is just probably a small part of the bargain struck. This is the only thing that makes sense as to why they would turn him over now.

As for Polanski, the guy is old as dirt nearly. Should he pay for his crime? Sure he should. Would I be ok if he were extradited to the US, his sentence suspended, he be officially listed at a Child Predator and squeeze 1 million out of him as a fine to be turned over to a Child Abuse Organization or just set aside to pay-off debt? No. The guy would be going back to California. They suspended Paris Hilton's sentence faster than you can blink after she was forced to wear Wednesday's orange jumpsuit on Tuesday (just kidding...almost).

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

Post Date: 1st Oct, 2009 - 1:20pm / Post ID: #

Roman Polanski
A Friend

Roman Polanski

I do not know what brought this up all of a sudden. I did not realize that the US had a extradition agreement with the swiss. Now knowing that we have this agreement I think the guy should be sent back and charged with felony fleeing since he fled after pleading guilty to a lesser charge. I think if he had done his sentence back then he would have not been listed as a sexual predator. Now he will be.

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5th Oct, 2009 - 12:27am / Post ID: #

Roman Polanski

As far as I remember he settled with the victim for like $500,000 so I'm not sure why they continue with the case.

International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 43 ActivistPoliticianSpecialist 4.3%

5th Oct, 2009 - 3:19pm / Post ID: #

Roman Polanski Politics Business Civil & History

There are several different reasons that this is continuing.

First of all, once a crime like this is reported, there is no such thing as "settling" with the victim. It is a criminal matter, especially when we are talking about drugging and raping a 13 year old girl.

Secondly, he was convicted of the crime. He had his day in court, and was found guilty. So, again, "settling" with the victim has no bearing on the case. Along with that, there is no such thing as a statute of limitations once the charges are laid, especially once the conviction is entered.

Third, he fled before serving his sentence. Therefore he is a fugitive. Once again, paying the victim a whole lot of money has no bearing on the case. He was convicted and fled before justice could be served.

He absolutely MUST serve his sentence. He should have an additional 99 years tacked on for fleeing. At the same time, they should ensure that he does his time in a maximum security prison in the general population. Let him see how child rapists are dealt with there.

Of course, with his money, fame, and Hollywood backing, I doubt he will actually face the full penalty of his crimes.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

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