Twilight - First In The Series
"Twilight," the first movie from the series of books by Stephenie Meyers, opened locally here November 21. My daughter and I saw it today with her friend, Sara, and Sara's mum, Gina. We had a great time just being "girls" and giggling together.
First of all, I have to say that I did read the entire series, and really thought they were designed more for teens/young adults than an old gal like me. They were kind of corny. (But maybe my romantic imagination isn't what it used to be?) So I really expected the movie to be kind of corny, too. I mean, the leading man is the same guy who played Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter movie, "Goblet of Fire." How does an old gal like me get stirred up over *that*?! Not.
Well, I was pleasantly surprised. I think it was well done, and was mostly true to the book. And Cedric... Er, Robert Pattinson did a fine job of portraying vampire angst, as well as convincingly sweeping most of the roomful of girls off their feet.
Source 5
I rate it
I did not read the books, nor did I know anything about it. My friends seemed to rave about it (most of which are younger then I and not married) I suspected a more adolecent feel to it but as you said, I too was pleasantly surprised.
Although I have always enjoyed a good vampire movie, this was definately worth the watch. And with all good movies; had me wanting more
Edited: Trynatae on 29th Dec, 2009 - 9:01pm
Twilight fans swarm store for DVD release
At Wal-Mart more than 1,000 excited teens, chaperones and young adults formed a line that wrapped around the periphery of the store, waiting to be among the first to own "Twilight" on DVD. Store manager Scott Trudo said there were 45,000 copies of the DVD in stock, and he didn't expect many to be left once sales began. Ref. Source 6
Only just saw the movie "Twilight" yesterday. I have not read the books, don't intend to either. Twilight's audience seems to be directed towards teens as it rightly should be. Twilight is more about a love story rather than a thriller. Do not look for "Underworld" here as these vampires have 'ethics', the star vamp even refer to themselves as 'vegetarians' because they choose to live off of the blood of animals rather than humans. It was a bit long. The weird Gothic interaction between the vamp and his girlfriend were really teeny boppish, but again I guess they are fixing for a certain audience.
Rate: 3
Twilight (Hover)
I saw the movie but I have not read the books. I believe that the writer has given too much power to the vampire. For it to be a species that walks the earth at all hours of the day with no sleep makes me wonder why there are any humans left at all. I found the movie very predictable and boring. I give it