Why is it that in europian contries white people try to go out in the sun and liy down for hours trying to get tanned?
Why in african contries do tanned people buy products to make there skin a lighter tone?
No one is ever satisfied with what they have, bouth skin colours are beutiful and unique. but this is just one example of a teenager trying to change themselves to something else that they think is cool. Why do we feel the need to change? we all went thru this fase sometime in our life, and some of us are still going thru it. What do you have to say on this topic?
Great thread Delcita! I think as human beings we are never satisfied by the way we look...so whoever say 'I'm very happy with the way I look' is a liar LOL. There is always something we are not happy about: 'I would like to be taller, or have blonde hair, or have a smaller nose, etc etc etc' we hear comments like this constantly.
It's funny that you mentioned the skin issue because I was talking with my husband about that today. I was telling how certain people in Trinidad (I don't want to mention any race for respect) try their best to look as 'fair' as possible. They buy some products that comes from India that bleaches their skin with strong chemicals...now...think about it, isn't that the dumbest thing? how 'fair' their skin could look!!! : if you was born black you will always be black no matter what, if you was born indian the same!!!. All races have issues with 'look'. Maybe when we learn to love and accept ourselves for what we really are then all this will stop...by the other hand, people love to change and some people really like to change their color of the hair for instance or small things like that for the whole purpose of changing but not because they don't like the way they look.