Why Are Mormon Mom's So Fat? - Page 2 of 2

The typical Mormon thinks that if you don't - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 17th Feb, 2016 - 1:17am

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Post Date: 5th Sep, 2015 - 12:21am / Post ID: #

Why Are Mormon Mom's So Fat?
A Friend

Why Are Mormon Mom's So Fat? - Page 2

international QUOTE (JB @ 3-Sep 15, 10:00 PM)
Here is a tip or trick. You can tell how fat your wife will be if you look at her mother. Its not 100% but its usually the case.

I have to agree, my mind is super observant, whether I want it to be or not, my brain is just wired that way.

The problem is, as I said, most people don't have a good diet, and they are actually already nutrient deficient, so when they begin to have children, it just compounds the problem; soon they are left with a really negative nutrient balance, a acid body pH, and even weaker body organs; that malfunction and weight gain is just one of the symptoms.

I know what you mean, I like to analyze, my brain never stops observing and processing data, I notice all of the time, women who are over weight to obese, and most have normal thin daughters and sons. Women are not the only ones to gain weight, men are catching up to them, just like women are catching up to mens heart attach percentages. We have weakened genes too, it has been a downward spiral since 'Adam fell, and his kids went out into the world and slowly defiled their bodes with wrong foods or too much of a good food; plus spiritually there was defilement as well. If people ate better and etc, we could reverse some of that in a few generations

I have dated a few, and then stopped when I saw their mothers; but I know that will not be the case, it depends on how they eat, and what they do spiritually. We have weaknesses, but we don't have to feed them, and make us and the next generation even more prone to mortal frailties. I have noticed that some daughters take more after their fathers in their body form. It sad to see and realize that most girls will look like their Moms one day; unties they wise up.

I hope we are not sounding too chauvinist, most posting on this thread are guys. I know my wife at times does not like my analytical mind, she does note like it, because I am normally right.

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5th Sep, 2015 - 2:24am / Post ID: #

Fat Moms Mormon Why

international QUOTE (DavidLJ)
I have dated a few, and then stopped when I saw their mothers;


international QUOTE
I hope we are not sounding too chauvinist, most posting on this thread are guys.

This is supposed to be a cultured Community, if someone is offended then they choose to be that way. Regardless, I've also started this: Why Are Mormon Fathers So Fat? for anyone that may think this Thread reflects the entire LDS Doctrine Board.

Post Date: 5th Sep, 2015 - 10:50pm / Post ID: #

Why Are Mormon Mom's So Fat?
A Friend

Why Are Mormon Mom's So Fat? Studies Doctrine Mormon

Ouch, oh well, that is the way it is. I am ware too, the Jew were taught to be aware of what you were to marry, you will bless ro curse your prodigy as I said for a long time; but that includes far more then looks, but physical, mental and emotional health, but the big one is Spiritual health,I let the other ones slide, if the right Spiritual gifts and nature is there.

Thanks for the reply.

6th Sep, 2015 - 4:25am / Post ID: #

Page 2 Fat Moms Mormon Why

Many of the issues with putting on weight could begin with being home all day! Not given a break, as someone mentioned and just a low self esteem. Food is a good source of comfort when you don't get it elsewhere. Something to ponder about.

17th Feb, 2016 - 1:17am / Post ID: #

Fat Moms Mormon Why

The typical Mormon thinks that if you don't do drugs, smoke or drink then you're healthy but there is so much more to health than just "Don't". Stop eating the junk food, cakes, chocolate and all the sugar stuff and turn to fruits, vegetables and grains as a big part of your diet. This will give you long years and enable you to serve the Lord better too!

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