What do you think about saying 'God' in public schools? Atheist Michael Newdow's concern over his daughter's exposure to the words "under God" sparked the lawsuit that prompted a federal appeals court to declare the the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional.
From ABC News:
Atheist Michael Newdow's concern over
his daughter's exposure to the words
"under God" sparked the lawsuit that
prompted a federal appeals court to
declare the the Pledge of Allegiance
Sticking to Pledge
Appeals Court Refuses to Reconsider
Controversial "Under God" Ruling
By Justin Pritchard
The Associated Press
S A N F R A N C I S C O, Feb. 28 - A
federal appeals court today rejected the
Bush administration's request to reconsider
its decision that the Pledge of Allegiance is
unconstitutional because of the phrase
"under God."
What do you think about saying 'God' in public schools? Atheist Michael Newdow's concern over his daughter's exposure to the words "under God" sparked the lawsuit that prompted a federal appeals court to declare the the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional. |
When the Supreme Court tossed out Michael Newdow's challenge to reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools, he vowed to keep fighting.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C1249%2C...54624%2C00.html
The only thing is that this is moving beyond prayer in school: this is our Pledge of Allegiance. This is a national past-time and tradition that goes beyond school. So does prayer, but prayer is a spiritual act, whereas the Pledge of Allegiance really isn't. It is a patriotic tradition. I think it is rediculous that this man has nothing better to do in life besides undermine the father's of our country. There is no rule saying his daughter HAS to participate in saying the pledge. There is a law that protects any child from being forced to say the pledge.
The issue first came up when a child who was a Jehova's Witness would not say the pledge in school because that particular religious group sees it as worshipping an idol. The Supreme Court ruled that due to religious beliefs, nobody can be forced to recite the pledge. It's a personal decision each family has to make.
I don't see her father fighting to get sexual commercials off television, or for children's role models to set a better example, or anything actually worthwhile. As a parent, he should be trying to protect her from the immoral side of the country, rather than simple exposure to the word God. The pledge isn't stating that a person has to come to know Christ or they're going to Hell so repent now before you're cooking on the grill.
Sometimes I just want to smack these people upside their head and tell them they need to get a life.
I don't see her father fighting to get sexual commercials off television, or for children's role models to set a better example, or anything actually worthwhile. As a parent, he should be trying to protect her from the immoral side of the country, rather than simple exposure to the word God. |
I think that one should not be FORCED to say the pledge if they don't want to. Saying God or not is not, nor will it ever be an issue in my book unless someone is forced to say it in the pledge.
That being said, the words "under God" were not added to the pledge until nearly seventy years after its creation. That term was put in much later and thus is not part of the original pledge. I would not have a problem reverting to the original, but would not feel the need to push it.
If somebody is being forced by a teacher to say the pledge, then they are breaking a law. That's the thing. His daughter, or anybody else's child, is not being forced to say the pledge. Most teachers I had would question a child if they weren't saying it, and find out why, and usually it was done out of laziness.
I understand the comments on each and every post here, and how the law states in the US that you cant be forced to say this pledge.
Now here in the UK we have had quite the opposite, in recent publications and broadcasts there have been some schools that have gone To PC.
They have told a student to not use a text book in class as he has scribbled 'God Save the Queen' on the front, for fear of upsetting Non UK nationals attending the school.
Also some religious studies classes in school, keep the bibles locked away and out of sight for fear of discriminating against other religions, and even to the extent of not using that religion in the curriculum.
Our prime minister actually suggested we 'Tone down' our support of the national football team for fear of upsetting or intimidating none UK nationals. (90% of the country hang a St Georges Cross flag as a sign of support when England play football.)
A taxi driver was told to respray his taxi after having a St georges Cross sprayed onto the bonnet as a sign of support for exactly the same reason.
To me this is tipping the scales to far and although we should respect other nationalities/religions/colour etc etc, it is another thing to sacrifice these sorts of things just 'incase' we upset.