Do you think using moder or high tech stuff as part of the worship service is taking away from spirituality?
From Deseret News:
It's not exactly a thunderbolt from the heavens, but high-tech wizardry that can
match it in sight and sound is changing how the faithful worship the Almighty at
many churches.
Oh brothers, are they trying to make everyone lazy?
From Deseret News:
If you miss the Sunday sermon at your local church, or if you're looking for a
new church, you may have an easy new option -- the Internet.
Your Religion: www.lds.org
Years a Member: 26
Spiritual Activity: It's my life
You can't worship God completely in a way pleasing to Him alone in front of a computer. Worshiping God includes building up of others faith along with your own, and meeting together personally to do it. And if you believe in taking the sacrament or Lord's supper, you can't do that online. It may still be a good idea though for people who can't make it in person sometimes. But not all the time. I believe The Holy Spirit works better for you when you're actually there. 8)
My mom is Church of Christ.... they do not even believe in a piano!!
Personally, I am there for the message. But I do rather enjoy the lyrics on the screens. They show slides of up coming events and have made mini movies (like 3 min long) for things.
But nothing over the top.
I am grateful there are things online for people like myself who can't always make it to church.
It is not the same as being there, no. But it is good to hear the word taught and a new insight.
At my church, they just have the standard mic system so everyone can hear what the priest is saying. At my husband's church, they have a small mic system, but they also pipe the service into the nursery, so the women taking care of the small children can hear the preacher's sermon too.
I have been to other churches with friends and some of those churches have very expensive mic systems, special lighting, stages and much band equipment. Some of this stuff is not necessary to preach/give a sermon on God. It seems more like trying to glam up the church to get people more interested in going. I mean, you go to church to worship, not enjoy all the 'special effects'. If people go to church for the 'special effects', isn't that going to church for the wrong reasons?
What do you mean they don't believe in a piano? |
(sorry for rambling) |