A citizens group here wants consumers to know whether they're patronizing businesses that hire illegal aliens.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C1249%2C...08285%2C00.html
There is nothing wrong with this. If it matters to you that illegals did not assist in the making of your goods, then this is great. If not, then you wont see a sticker and if one is on your product then you dont care anyway. If there are enough people that this truly matters too, then the sticker will be covetted. If not, then no one is going to go out of their way to get the stickers. My feeling is that price will rule the day regardless of "illegal free" stickers or not.
However, one word of caution: You wont be eating a lot of food that requires hand picking. I lived in Virginia for a good while and can attest that most of the apples did not meet a "legals" hand. Not to mention, that you wont be smoking any American made tobacco (stripping the leaves is usually a migrant workers job). Getting a bit off topic, but, there are a lot of jobs that americans just dont want to do. I will garantee you that if you HAD to chose between working at McDonalds or picking apples for the same wage, you would be working at McDonalds.
So, for all those people that think illegals are stealing American jobs, go ahead and make the sticker offering (not sure a lot of companys will even want your seal of approval even if they are eligible - migrant illegal workers buy stuff too).
Just a thought,
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
For what it is worth, here is a great column by Bob Lonsberry on the subject of illegal aliens.
Recently President Fox of Mexico made a statement to the effect that Mexican immigrants (illegals) will do jobs that not even black Americans will do. Of course, lots of people jumped on him for the blatantly racist nature of his comments.
But it does bring up a good discussion. Just what are the jobs that no self-respecting American citizen will do, that employers are willing to break the law in order to get someone to do those jobs?
Bob Lonsberry makes some great points in his column. I agree with him 100%, and highly recommend that you read it.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
I don't believe you have to have an illegal alien do work because a US citizen won't do it. Those alien's don't need to be illegal. Let them come here legally to do the work. We have that process in place for non-menial jobs and it works well. So, you can prove that you are unable to hire a current resident to do a job at the prevailing wage. Then you are allowed to bring someone in from another country.
I don't accept any excuse for breaking the law.
International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 32%
I just posted in another thread about illegal immigrants taking american's jobs, and since I just found this thread I have to reiterate. I find it hard to believe that
"When I hear the comment that Americans won't do the job, it's really that Americans won't do the job for that salary." |
It seems that with the recent rash of raids on companies and businesses known to hire illegal immigrants, a lot of these immigrants are now skipping work for fear of being caught and being deported. This in turn is causing these businesses to lose a large mass of their staff. Do you think this is justice served for hiring illegal immigrants in the first place?
Immigrant workers fear raids, stay home MIAMI, Florida (AP) -- Thousands of illegal immigrants stayed home this week amid rumors of immigration roundups that federal officials say were unfounded, leaving some industries scrambling for workers. Len Mills, executive vice president of Associated General Contractors of South Florida, estimated at least 50 percent of workers on construction jobs in the region had not shown up for work |
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 24.1%
The Senate voted Tuesday to fine employers who hire illegal immigrants up to
$20,000 for each unauthorized worker, providing teeth to a broad immigration bill before sending it to a final vote later this week.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/05/24/imm...n.ap/index.html