Good Evening (well it's evening for me anyway) all.
I"m a self employed man with too much time on his hands and who listens to extreme metal way too loud while reading HP Lovecraft stories.
My wife tells me I"m a cynical misanthrope who despite all efforts to the contrary, is still curious about how humans feel.
I dislike most movies (anime and 50's sci-fi being the rare exceptions) and think that MacDonald's burger's taste better cold the next day.
My reason's for trying this site are probably the same as many. I get (and have gotten) fed up with the childish bickering on other sites so I search for and try out new ones.
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Welcome Dead2u! Did you join for any particular discussion or just looking for a place to settle in online? Let me know how I can assist you while you are here.
Thank you both for the greeting.
I didn't really come looking for any particular subjects, just a good variety. Most forums are fairly set in their subjects for discussion but the mix I saw here gave me hopes for more the standard "metal only chat" "home hints only" "computer science only" forums. I like to flit and have an opinion on almost anything.
I"ll fill in some more details on my profile and start burrowing into things very soon.
We do have quite a variety of subjects here that caters for most anything. If you need help finding something just let me know.
I"m not sure if this is the right place to ask a question but I have a rather annoying little problem with the site loading.
The "Please Wait... Loading" overlay message never to rarely (one or twice only) completes its job & goes away. It was OK for the first week or so after I joined but ever since, big grey box obscuring the top left corner.
Anyone got any suggestions or thoughts?