Teaching The Bible As Literature In Schools
Do you think Teaching The Bible As Literature In Schools is against the US Constitution of separation of Religion and State?
Not as literature, no, I don't see it being problematic. As long as other religions, the major ones and a good summary of the smaller ones, are also taught, either in the same class, or as their own equally represented topics. I think it would actually be beneficial to teach religious works as a number of topics, from religious studies themselves, to psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc.
Name: Naw
Comments: No way. First of all the Bible is so open to so many interpretations and translations as to what is meant and the whole affair will become a religious debate. Our children class rooms don't need that, what's next is Jihad justifiable by the Koran and should Zionist take over the Middle East based on the Torah? Teach our kids science, math, English and then they can decide if they want to be bombarded by religious books in college.
Actually I agree with Naw. I don't think is a good idea to mix up things because you're opening up a big can of worms. I went to a non-religious high school and college and I support 100% separation of school and religion. If someone wants religion to be taught whether in the form of literature or not, there are schools for that.
If we are talking about US public schools then no, the bible should never enter into the equation. I think that is more the parents responsibility.
Teaching children the values that lie within the bible, yes, I think schools should teach basic morales to kids. Why schools don't have a classes designed to teaching children the correct way to act will always be a mystery to me.
When you look at all the problems within schools and that of children. One would think a class to help them adjust themselves better would be common sense. Maybe that would cut into the profits of the companies that sell coolness?