Knowledge By Visions

Knowledge Visions - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 18th Jul, 2010 - 5:41pm

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2 Nephi 4:23
1st Jun, 2008 - 8:10pm / Post ID: #

Knowledge By Visions

Behold His Face

In 2 Nephi 4:23 we learn...

QUOTE (Book of Mormon)
Behold, he hath heard my cry by day, and he hath given me knowledge by visions in the nighttime.

Comment: Often we hear of people saying they had dreams about this or that and they awoke with a sense of getting a 'message'.

Question: How can one know the difference between having a vision as opposed to just dreaming during the night?

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6th Aug, 2009 - 5:26pm / Post ID: #

Visions Knowledge

QUOTE (JB @ 1-Jun 08, 8:10 PM)
Question: How can one know the difference between having a vision as opposed to just dreaming during the night?

You know know it in your heart you know what am I saying the feeling is so strong and overwhelming that you just cant get it out from your mind and heart...yes I experienced a couple of these night visions many years ago and I still remember the details of those visions powerful stuff.

28th Oct, 2009 - 1:02am / Post ID: #

Knowledge By Visions Studies Doctrine Mormon

My experience with night visions is that you have to be able to interpret them as well. So, besides that they just feel different than a dream, when I get the interpretation, I have conformation that it is a night vision. The imagery is usually symbolic and unique to the person receiving it. In my case, I have to interpret my own, and my wife has to interpret her own.

Rather off topic, but...
Day visions or waking visions are interesting too. They are similar to night visions, except that they come in a flash while you"re awake.

28th Oct, 2009 - 5:57pm / Post ID: #

Visions Knowledge

Mark, how do you know they're just not special dreams? Is there a way that you confirm it was a vision?

29th Oct, 2009 - 4:33pm / Post ID: #

Visions Knowledge

The night that I was baptized and given the gift of the Holy Ghost, I received my first night vision. I was on fire with the Holy Spirit, so I just knew it was a vision. I experienced it so differently than a dream. It contained prophesies, and instructions about my future. One prophesy, was immediately fulfilled the next night. I was living with my sister at the time, and was told that she would be cheated out of her car. The next night we were woke up by loud explosions, at 4:00 in the morning. We ran outside, to fide her car engulfed if flames. They reached twenty to thirty feet in the air. The explosions were from the tires. We called the fire dept., and they investigated and found no cause for the fire. The spirit then put the thought in my mind, that this was only to convince me, that the rest of the prophesies were true also. Incase I was tempted to explain the vision away, as a dream. From that first experience, I am able to tell the difference. I guess all I can say is, I just know by the Spirit.

10th Jun, 2010 - 1:12am / Post ID: #

Knowledge By Visions

Mark, you must be really in tune with the Spirit to hear the still small voice who testified of these things. I had some night visions as well when I was a teen but couldn't interpret it at that time. I think about it often.

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Post Date: 16th Jul, 2010 - 8:43pm / Post ID: #

Knowledge Visions

Name: Nick

Comments: I've had a series of Visions opened before my eyes. It is not the same as inspiration, revelation, or dreaming. I have had a few dreams that I knew came from God but it was very different from an open Vision.

In my open Visions it was something not initiated by myself. It was always in the Lord's presence and it was He who caused them to happen.

It is far more pronounced than Revelations which are a sure impact of truth on the mind and heart more powerful than inspiration. I've had a few of those as well.

In my Visions I was aware of my current circumstances and presence then suddenly as if a cloud parted before my eyes, I felt myself standing and witnessing my own future. I could see and feel it...I was there.

I was shown certain things I did not understand but knew them to be the reality of my future...It was in my future I was actually standing in. But I was always cognizant of my current presence as well. It was the veil of eternity being lifted from obstructing my view of reality as it really exists. Past, present, and future become one in the same.

Upon the Lord having communicated these things, He would always verify their Truthfulness and impending reality to come forth. Like a seal of Promise.

I only share the specifics of the things the Lord has revealed to me with my Family but never hesitate to let others know that these spiritual gifts and manifestations still and do exist.

I almost feel it an obligation to let fellow members know these potentials we hear about all the time but rarely come in contact with, are very powerful and pronounced tools of God designed to give purpose and meaning to certain aspects of our personal lives and the things He wishes for us to accomplish.

Having experienced many of God's spiritual gifts, I can see why they are not wide spread. Not many truly believe in these things with perfect faith, though they are familiar with the terms used to describe them.

To most, they seem almost like fables experienced only by Joseph and a few of his companions and a bunch of ancient prophets.

The Lord truly has closed the eyes of the prophets as he said would happen in our day.

But the Lord hasn't closed the eyes of All. I suppose there are others out there like me who have experienced similar Visions of God's design and plans for their lives as well.

But until the time arrives for these things to take shape, they remain Visions awaiting fulfillment.

I suppose there are those who have stood in the presence of our Father and Brother as I have and on more than one occasion.

I could never figure out why anyone would caution us not to report these things and to only keep them to ourselves. Joseph never seemed to feel that way nor do I. You feel compelled to let others know the wonderful reality of God in ones presence as opposed to manifestations of the spirit bearing wittness to our hearts and minds.

It's all that and a million times more. It is felt in the very marrow of your bones. I certainly understand what a portion of the endowment means in reference to that.

Why wouldn't a person want to share this most beautiful experience with anyone wanting to know? And even those who don't in hopes they may change their mind and have the desire to know for themselves.

Each and every one of us process this potential but it must be sought out in perfect Faith as the Brother of Jared did.

These are supposed to be a desirable and common aspect of people who are truly children of God. They are signs that follow true believers and Saints of God.

Daniel says many of all ages and types would receive these things in the last days. A portion of that was experienced in the last days during Joseph's time. But surely this more fully applies to those who will actually raise the walls of the Kingdom upon the foundation of the Gospel that Joseph laid.

This is our reason for our generation being here. I know it will happen just as the scriptures and Visions imparted to me by the Lord, testifies they will. That I have no doubt. I have God's Word on it. Both in the scriptures and Personally.

I believe the reasoning behind the push to silence members from sharing these very sacred and eye opening experiences, is because only the lay members are recieving these experiences. And much of what was shown to me contradicts what is being taught by our leaders who are not recieving these experiences but should be.

What I know to be from God, places them on somewhat of a spiritual hot seat of judgment. It's not something for me to confront them or anyone with at this time. The Lord has the reigns of His church and always has. He knows what is not right about what's happened with it. And He has His own timetable of chores He plans to implement among those of us with ears to hear & eyes that see.

He's merely waiting for the right moment for these Hi jackers of truth to complete their task of deception before intervening and bringing their works to an end.

It is all very plainly laid out in scripture.

I have to assume there are many like myself who have been shown these things in Vision as well. After all, the Lord will retrieve a righteous remnant and elevate them to a higher level of being for the purpose of establishing His Kingdom prior to His offical return and assist those of lesser faith.

We are ALL intended to process these wonderful gifts. But few will except them. That was always easy for me to envision the world outside our church from doing, but is a great disappointment to realize that most members will reject these things as well.

What I know, is what every member who will eventually stand before Christ And our Father will HAVE to know. If you reject what they have given to myself and some others, don't plan on seeing God any time soon.

All the Doctrinal knowledge in the world will not part the veil if Moral impuruty exists in any form or degree. That will prove to be the deciding factor in many becoming very disapointed in being rejected by God for having rejected His laws of morality & purity.

We can always repent of those things and gain that wonderful personal access to God. But if we hang on to some things we refuse to let go, Doctrinal knoweldge will not translate to the moral purity required to enter the presence of Christ.

The coming event of the Lord sending the One Mighty & Strong is going to be a very uncomfortable experience for most all members. We all, with the exception of a very few, have adopted the norms of the world to some extent and are going to feel very uncomfortable at his arrival.

I'm among those who has absorbed more of the world than I care to share and have spent many years of hard and uncomfortable repentance trying to get to where I need to be.

I feel bad for those who have put off their days of repentance and think they don't stand in need of it.

It will be a sad and uncomfortable day.

I know the Lord has visited many members who will eventually be called to this task of building Zion. It only makes sense that these personal visits and Visions should occur before they actually take place in terms of God bringing them forth out of obscurity among the membership.

I have needed many years to prepare myself to meet God's standards in my life. I know there are many to be fortunate enough not to have to climb so many mountains of lost hope & repentance as I have and some that have.

Either way, it shows that God has a place for all who repent. That's the beauty of His Atonement. It was meant more for people like me than those who have walked the straight and narrow in a humble way.

Visitations and Visions are alive and well but for the most part have been discouraged from being told.

I don't spell out specifics, but certainly feel that members should be aware these things still exist among us and should be looking and praying for these miracles of God to come forth as He has promised they would.

They have come forth in private but will soon manifest themselves openly when Heavenly Father says it's time for that.

All who wish to stand in the presence of God like we say we want to, must recieve what I and others have received and understand the conditions upon which those very sacred Blessings are predicated and put into practice.

If God is willing to appear before a wretch like Paul & Myself, I'm sure He would be willing to do the same for anyone willing to humble themselves and want to know for themselves.

But the catch becomes the High Degree to which you then become accountable and sin unchecked, becomes a living nightmare.

Just get it in your head and heart to fully commit yourself to Christ and His Standards and all else will become Bliss.

Just a piece of advice for those seeking the face of Christ.

Obsessive pursuit of Doctrinal Knowledge is not a substitute for simple Desire and Faith. Neither Joseph Smith or myself or most of the ancient prophets had little understanding of the mechanics of God & His Kingdom when receiving first personal contact with God. And I would suspect that most of those whom God has appeared to in the church have received that Blessing not based on what they knew, but rather based on what they hoped to learn.

Faith precedes the Miracle. And Faith is not something that requires a Doctorates in Gospel Doctrine.

The Doctrines I have come to learn only serve as a supporting witness to the reality of things I have already seen.

Don't let your pursuit of Doctrine fool you into thinking that will gain you access to God unless you truly have the desire to see Him under the conditions of humility that are required to stand in His Loving Presence.

Any other approach will turn out to be something you don't want to experience.

I have experienced both of these situations. And one of those I chose to never experience again.

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18th Jul, 2010 - 5:41pm / Post ID: #

Knowledge Visions Mormon Doctrine Studies


international QUOTE
I could never figure out why anyone would caution us not to report these things and to only keep them to ourselves. Joseph never seemed to feel that way nor do I.

Ummm...Joseph was a PROPHET? Hello? That's their job, to communicate what the Lord reveals to them to the people. As far as I know, if both of us are in the same Church, you are NOT a Prophet over the people hence whatever Heavenly Father reveals to you, is for your own PERSONAL edification as well as your family. Coming to an internet forum and throwing all that information for anyone to read it, is extremely odd you know what am I saying?.

international QUOTE
I have to assume there are many like myself who have been shown these things in Vision as well. After all, the Lord will retrieve a righteous remnant and elevate them to a higher level of being for the purpose of establishing His Kingdom prior to His offical return and assist those of lesser faith.

He taught you about humility too? Geez, "righteous remnant elevated to a higher level to assist those of LESSER faith?". Hmmmm this is one of the main reasons, I am always skeptical of those who claim they have received this kind of experiences.

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