I have met couples that were married who spoke different languages. They were wrapped up in 'love' for each other, but they could hardly understand what each other was saying. It seemed kind of funny because they used hand, eyes and body expressions to point out what they were trying to say.
Do you think something like that could work? Of course strain set in and one partner had to learn the other's language eventually to make up for the lack of communication. We sometimes get requests to translate 'love' letters for people in other languages and I am thinking, 'wow' can you you love this person and not even know what they write? What are your thoughts?
Language is not a barrier when you're truly in love |
Tough one. How can you speak to each other if the language spoken is diffrent. I wonder how one matches up with that kinda commitment to each other. They have to really, really LOVE each other. I can't see how that should work. eventually u will need to learn one comon language to speak to one another.
I think that language isn't the biggest problem. Eventually people learn foreighn languages, more imprtant is differnecres in culture. Like they watched different movies, read different books and so on. I think to learn somebody's else culture will take much more time then just learn language. It doesn't mean though that people can't be happy in such marriage, just it will take some more time and efforts to ajust to these differences. It is the same thing when people are raised in different societies or different religion, they can even speak one language but if they have different valuse it won't help them.
this is a tough question. I think one of the basis of love IS understanding....which in turn..includes languages...right?..lol
on the other hand, you can love someone because of the way they treat others. By observing a person's mannerisms, you can tell if he/she is a caring and loving person WITHOUT understanding their language. A person's love for others could make someone fall in love with them...and vice versa.
As the saying goes...actions are greater than words
so i guess in a way...you dont need words to know that you love someone
Tough question....i know that when i'm in love i start speaking like this...
"blearg, bloog *drool* uuuuhhh i wub you"
that could be considered a different language of course my jaw would be dropped and eyes wide open because she will be super hot and suer cool and fun to hang out with.