Posting As A Guest
Name: Julie
Comments: If I post regularly as a guest I will sometimes get a message encouraging me to join but I feel more comfortable posting without being part of the membership why can't I continue like that? I just want to keep posting as a guest please.
I do not believe anyone will force you to be a member if you do not wish to. I can tell you that if you wish to become a member you will be joining a mature forum and not one that has a lot of nonsense on it. I can understand your reluctance as many forums are full of kids and others that attack people and use a lot of vulgar and hateful language.
I hope you continue to visit us and keep posting as a guest if that is what you really wish to do. Remember there is no pressure.
I must have missed this question, but KNtoran did a good job of answering it. I will just add that the Guest feature is meant for passing comments and not for consistent Discussion. In other words... You Post as a Guest go to another Thread... Post, etc. It is not meant to be used where you are Replying continually to the same Thread - if you want to do it that way then you should be a Member since the Guest features does place an extra work load on our Moderators. Thanks for understanding.