Russians & Germans Were Allies In World War Two
When the Germans were invading Poland from the West during World War 2 they met a lot of resistance from the Polish, but guess who was invading from the East at the SAME time... Yes the Russians! Hitler and Stalin literally divided Poland into two. Then Hitler and Stalin made further agreements to divide Europe amongst themselves. The headlines they used to convince people that they were doing the 'right' thing was to say that they were destroying fascist regimes. The German and Russian army worked side by side in the early part of the war with the Russians supplying a lot of iron ore, food and oil to the German army.
Later the Russians went on to bomb and invade Finland but met heavy resistance from the ground so they kept up a deadly air campaign. The League of Nations expelled Russia from their membership as they refused to accept their reason for invading Finland.
By the time Hitler took over France the Soviets had all the Eastern block countries and the Germans and Russians were deciding how to divide territories amongst themselves.
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