I have to wonder if Mr. Gibbs really know what he is saying or the purpose of his statements. He said that in the Port of Spain area crime was reduced to 23%. Really? Is that figure even worth mentioning? You have to be kidding...
Maybe he's trying to be positive I don't know but I agree the figure is kind of insignificant to be mentioned. At the same time, put yourself in his shoes he is getting a huge salary every month, he has to justify it somehow.
I feel sorry for the man to be honest. He doesn't know what else to do, he looks lost and doesn't seem to get the kind of support he needs however doesn't mean I agree with the statement. He has to come with some big numbers worth mentioning, IMO.
I wonder if Gibbs will stay on the job or not? Ramesh Deosaran the new police Chairman said that next week he will do a serious assessment on Gibbs and the other Canadian to determine if they have done significant changes with regards to crime in the 6 months they have been here.
According to what TV6 presented many of the policemen under Gibbs feel that he should go and not continue to take taxpayers money when he is not addressing concerns of the police officers such as promotions and filling in the gaps where there are personnel needed. At the same time I am wondering are the policemen passing the exams necessary for promotion, this is the other issue at hand.
Mr. Gibbs seems to be happy with the accomplishments he made so far however he said that he wants a better and pro-active police force.