How do you know if you really served a successful mission?
Is it the amount of baptisms, your testimony, lives you touched, things you learned?
I know people who did nothing much during their mission and did not develop a love for the people, but complained all the time. Yet they say they had a successful mission.
What are your views?
IMO its a combination of work that one accomplished and the things that one learned.
I have been back from the mission almost 4 years and I still use many things that I learned in my mission to help me be more productive in my life.
There is so much success involved in missionary work in general. It's an amazing thing.
Of recent I am amazed at the attitude of most RMs online. they almost seem to be bitter about their missions. I learnt a long time ago from a wise Mission President that what you bring into your mission is what you get out of it. Unfortunately some brought deep dark secrets and therefore could not enjoy their service to God.
I'd say a successful mission is made up of doing what your asked to do with all of your heart. I knew missionaries who had lot's of baptisms, but I wouldn't consider them successful missionaries, and on the other hand I knew missionaries who had few baptisms but were amazing successes.
I served in the mission office for about a year, working closely with the mission president. It was a lot of fun, and a lot of stress. It felt good to go to bed after having spent the last 24 hours awake and working hard so that others could preach the gospel. Office elders are the only missionaries who are persecuted by both the non-members and the members. So it wasn't at all glamorous, but I feel satisfied by what I accomplished. I think that's what helps you know, is a feeling of satisfaction that the Lord is pleased with your offering.
When I finished my mission,(England Manchester Mission 83 - 85) I had the impression that it had almost been a waste of time.
Besides the few people we taught and actually baptized, most of my time was spend taking care ( Nanny ) of problem missionaries. ( spoiled, pampered selfish, and ignorant )
I did not have any dark secrets, I only had a desire to serve.
( I was 22 when I joined the church, being in the army I had to fulfill my contract before I could go, this made me a 26 year old greenie )
I have been bitter, but my attitude has changed, now I'm very thankful.
Because seen in a different light, the experiences of mission life, the example of a wonderful mission president, and the wonderful people of England, gave me insight, and tolerance - a thing I lacked before
Yes missions are an amazing thing.
Some missionaries feel their mission was a waste of time if they didnt baptize anyone, or if they only converted one or two. But you may never know what will come of the service you gave. Look at Abinidi. He preached and preached to the Nephites and was burned alive for teaching the truth. As far as he knew, everyone rejected him. But he did have one convert...someone named Alma. Much of the Book of Mormon from here on out speaks of this one convert and his descendents. Alma went about in secret and converted others. Alma's son, also named Alma became a prophet of God, as did his son, Helaman and his grandson, Helaman. His great grand son Nephi followed in their steps and his great great grandson, also named Nephi was a disciple of Jesus Christ.
If we could look ahead a few hundred years and see he real effect we had, or I should say the spirit had, we might think differently.
Seving a successful mission for me is coming home and 5 years later still living and enjoying the gospel daily. When you serve as Jesus Christ Served and when you love your brothers and sisters as Jesus Christ loved you are definitely blessed hundred fold! To those who are bitter online...all I can say is... "arise and shake off those chains of hell" as is found in Alma.