Name: George
Comments: With respect to the death penalty and executions for the crime of murder. I see that Terry Edwards of Texas USA was executed for the killing of two employees whilst carrying out a robbery at a restaurant.So you see, sensible people are still enforcing the death penalty instead of accommodating killers in comfort who have forfeited their freedom by committing murder. Texas is going to save a lot of money by not offering accommodation, medical care, welfare, and personal security to another worthless human being. We here should follow such example by restoring the death penalty not only to get the permanent rid of our killers but to stem the general flow of other serious crimes generated by the galloping rate of murders here.What are our politicians waiting for? Perhaps another record of the annual murder rate eh.
Name: George
Comments: If our politicians are honest and are true representatives of our citizens, then the should have the moral courage to restore the death penalty without any further delay.Yes, right now.Immediately. They must carry out the wishes of the majority of our people NOW. If they continue to delay the process of the commencement of hangings here, this will then continue to allow the killers and our hardened criminals to retain the upper- hand, and will only lead to further and unrepairable damage to our society. These killers must be stopped in their tracks NOW. Those remaining honest and uncorrupt citizens with morals and compassion must now put excessive pressure on those in the corridors of power to regain control,by stemming the galloping rate of the slaughter of many of our innocent citizens by a brigade of loose mad killers on this island, which is now seen by outsiders as a haven for criminals,with no effective police or justice system.To any potential investor, it would now appear as a killing field for loose murderers which as I have said before will in the end, affect the economy of this nation.
Name: George
Title: Restoration of the death penalty
Comments: Reading the latest news this morning especially the article concerning the restoration of the death penalty by the AG in which he says that the hands of our politicians are tied, which all amounts to us having politicians with double standards. The impression given is that those senior politicians in power here, are using every trick in the book to wrangle their way out of their responsibility of reinstating the death penalty in order to satisfy the expectations of their overseas masters. They just don't seem able to unhinged themselves from that old master-slave relationship. They must face the fact that we are now an independent nation and our allegiance to our former masters are a thing of the past. Politicians cannot continue to implement or support suggestions or ideas of their former colonial masters, as a matter of protocol obedience, when it is quite clear that it is of no help in solving our internal crime problems. This is why this matter is being deliberately delayed and it now looks very much like the idea is going to be thrown through the window in order to satisfy those in the Privy Council and the human rights organization. The long and short of it is, that the lives of our local citizens in the eyes of our elected representatives here are less important than the rules and regulations of both the Privy Council and the human rights organization. Our politicians must act morally and show compassion and comply with the wishes of the majority of our citizens if they want to remain in the corridors of power here. They must at least make every worthwhile attempt to try to make this nation a safer place for our citizens.
Name: George
Title: Restoration of the death penalty
Comments: Keeping an opened eye on the arguments taking place here with regards to the restoration of the death penalty I have to ask the question of how on earth did the president of TTMA Mr Rolph Balgobin come to the conclusion that the death penalty won't work here?. It was the main successful instrument that was used here in the colonial days and is still used in some countries of the world where it has proven a well tried and tested deterrent. It worked very well here then and has in no way lost its potential to stem the flow of murders anywhere in the world. The current system of retribution here of imprisoning killers for life has been in play here since the latter half of 1999 and all we have to show for it is an annual increase in the rate of murders.At present, that rate stands at 342 per year since 1999. Citizens of responsibility here should gather the true facts before they make wild statements which have no convincing structure of the truth. They must substantiate their argument by facing reality.
Name: George
Title: Restoration of the death penalty
Comments: So there we are, the tally of local murders rising at uncontrollable rate, and our politicians are still playing at politics. They do not seem to understand the urgent need to restore the death penalty here, and cannot explain in detail why they cannot or would not do so. Why are they delaying the decision to restore the death penalty and commence the hanging of those already convicted killers?. This will immediately stem the flow of the murders and discourage much of the lawlessness generated and associated by the failure of our politicians to stem the flow of murders in this nation. They can no longer allow the rulings of the Privy Council or the Civil Rights organization to dictate to them how to administer the legal aspects of this independent nation when to do so is causing the unnecessary lives of our citizens and creating long lasting damage to the reputation of our nation.Not only that, the majority of our citizens are now demanding that the death penalty be reinstated. The Civil Rights movement in particular has made an abundance of errors and misjudgements were harden criminals are concerned which they have so far failed to correct. They must be held responsible for their actions which is causing the increase in serious crimes all over the world. They have encouraged crime to flourish by introducing rules as regulations in the defense of killers and hardened criminals. The implementation of these rules and regulations have also made lawyers millionaires by criminals hiring these lawyers to defend them using the legal protocol of the Civil Right movement to prevent the criminals from receiving their due and rightful retribution. As for the tie to the Privy Council I am beginning to wonder whether there is some financial link between the government administration and the Privy Council where the government have to pay for their advice and services. Knowing the widespread involvement in financial corruption here, could there be some ongoing financial gain by way of 'kick backs' to officials here by retaining and using the Privy Council as our legal advisers?. It has been recently disclosed that the encouragement of local crime has become a money spinner for many officials on this island.Perhaps the politicians could explain to our citizens what is causing the delay in restoring the death penalty .
Name: George
Title: The hangman is on his way back
Comments: The sudden announcement that the hangman would certainly be back is great news. This would now send much relief to the majority of citizens who demanded that the death penalty be restore. I am sure that once this is enforce the rate of murders will decline rapidly. The government too will gain in popularity for reinstating the death penalty which will make the workload of the police less burdensome,and quell the fear and anxiety of our citizens.
Name: George
Comments: The following request from the GGL must be considered as highly illogical reasoning. THE Greater Caribbean for Life (GCL) is asking Government to reconsider its efforts to resume hangings and to focus instead on human development and crime prevention. This group of people want to study the records and statistics where murders are concerned on this island. Politicians here from both sides of the fence together with the police have been doing every thing possible to stem the flow of the monthly slaughter of dozens of our citizens without success. They have so far also failed in the matter of human development and now we have a haven for not only murderers, but for hardened criminals associated with almost every known crime,whose activities are beginning to even to influence the school children here. Anyway things has gone to far here for any further focus on human development to succeed, and would only lead to allocating some area on this island to build many more prisons to accommodate more murderers for a lifetime. It is far better to rid our society of these worthless citizens by hanging them.To carry on as things are at present would mean wasting another fifty years of just hoping that the situation would change, and also wasting massive amounts of Treasury funds for what?
Name: George
Title: Restoration of the death penalty
Comments: Where the debate of local murders and the restoration of the death penalty is concerned here,many citizens from all walks of life have become immune to the daily slaughter of or citizens, they remain in turmoil, have lost faith in our police and justice system to uphold the law where this crime is concerned. This is reinforced by the poor rate of detection by the police. Some citizens can no longer tell what is right or what is wrong with regards to the manner in which crime is dealt with here. Where the death penalty is concerned, they however must be realistic and face the facts. Since hangings stopped in 1999 there have been no let up in the rate of murders on this island.This is reflected in the statistics and records which shows a constant annual rate, mostly escalating in some year of more murders than were expected. It is now clearly evident that the sentence of life imprisonment for murder has had no effect whatsoever on this island, It is therefore essential that we revert back to the well tried and tested method of execution by hanging of those who willfully take the lives of other citizens here. There is just no other way to deter those local killers from thinking of the personal consequences, the lost of their lives, if they kill any of our citizens. Once the hangings have commenced the murder rate must and will fall and citizens here would feel more secure and stop living in fear of themsleves becoming a victim of these random killers. I really do not see how anyone against the death penalty here, despite their status class,color or creed could really justify there views to let things proceed as they are here in respect of the daily slaughter of innocent human beings here. It is not logical reasoning and just cannot be right. This will only lead to more random murders of innocent citizens and more expense for the nation in having to build new prisons to offer accommodation security, food and medical facilities for more worthless human beings here until they die in prison.. Just imagine how many murderers we will have behind bars in the next twenty years if nothing is done to eliminate these murderers from out society/. I say hang them .The sooner the better for all of our citizens, and this nation.