The police is not calling this case "random" because the victim knew the attacker and it is not connected to the school. I wonder what possibly went wrong that made this lady kill this teacher in cold blood?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Apparently, the attacker is the former mother in law of the victim. The teacher filed for divorce back in 2005 because of abuse and asked for two restraining orders against the ex-husband in August 2005 and in January 2006. Apparently, they were going through some custody battles since there are two kids in the middle.
It seems to me that the former mother in law did what she thought would grant her son custody of the two children!
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
It could be possible that the lady is just loony. As we all know when people get older, unfortunately the brain begins to not work as well. She may have convinced herself that this person needed to die for any various of reasons. The fact she knew the teacher could just have been the shooters link to the victim.
Meaning possibly the victim did nothing to provoke an attack but because she new the shooter she became the target. The shooter randomly going threw her head of people she needed to kill and the teacher coming up on the top of the list somehow. This is a far fetched theory and most likely there was some tie linking them together more sensibly.
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 70 7%
As I thought, after the victim died in the hospital, her ex-husband (who has a past of domestic violence) was granted custody of the children.
Source 2
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Name: Guest
Comments: I knew the victim. Not a day goes by that I do not think about the murder. She was very kind, sweet person.
I have to think that somehow the ex-husband had something very much to do with this shooting. I wonder if he knew that his mother was going to go and kill the mother of his children. Now the children are with their father and can not see their mother thanks to their gran mother. What a messed up family. I think the state should look harder into this and get those children away from a seriously messed up family.
Unbelievable that there was domestic violence involved and the children were still placed with the father. I will never understand family law. Again, its the same everywhere. Those poor children...
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 7 0.7%