Trinidad & Tobago Mission / West Indies Mission

- Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 1st Jan, 2007 - 1:34pm

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This thread has been started to keep all the West Indies Mission Alumni messages in one place so users do not become lost searching for people or content related to their former mission. This mission used to be known as: Trinidad & Tobago Mission up until 1994 and now has been reinstated (the name) again in 2007.
Trinidad & Tobago Mission / West Indies Mission Related Information to Trinidad & Tobago Mission / West Indies Mission
7th Jul, 2003 - 12:54pm / Post ID: #

Trinidad & Tobago Mission / West Indies Mission

West Indies Mission

This Thread has been started to keep all the West Indies Mission Alumni messages in one place so users do not become lost searching for people or content related to their former mission. This mission used to be known as: Trinidad & Tobago Mission.

North America Southeast Area

Caribbean History: The West Indies Mission has seen many difficulties in its development of the Church.

Among other things, having so many countries with laws, traditions, visas, etc. Makes it difficult to watch over the leaders, members and missionaries.

All travel is done by plane and this means, immigration questions, delays, luggage loss, and all the other occurrences that come with overseas traveling.

international QUOTE
Elder Darren Wilcox Account (1983)

My name is Darren Wilcox and my companion, Chris Romney, and I were the first Assistants to the President of the West Indies Mission. The mission was formed on June 14, 1983 at a mission conference of the Ft. Lauderdale Mission. President Kenneth Zabriskie, the Ft. Lauderdale Mission President, was called as the West Indies Mission President. He in turn called us, his assistants, to join him.

At that time, Haiti and Jamiaca were part of the Ft. Lauderdale Mission. They were combined with the other Indies islands to form the new mission. Quickly, Haiti and Jamaica became their own missions.

I served with Chris and Pres. Z for the final four months of my mission in the West Indies. Our office was still located in Ft. Lauderdale so Chris and I had a normal proselyting area there. We helped plan for and deliver new missionaries to their respective island assignments. Then we'd help with some initial training and offered support those first few rough days away from the states. We also helped with Zone conferences. Some we did on our own, most were with Pres. Z.

While I enjoyed my own proselyting area in Florida immensely, working with the Spanish people I'd been called to serve, I also found the experience in the islands to be truly life-changing. It was a truly remarkable thing to be so in the minority there but feel so welcome. And the typical increase in politeness and humility that typically is associated with getting away from the states was surely there. On the other hand, it was nerve-racking to be in Haiti where things often seemed on the verge of overthrow and in Jamaica the military seemed too anxious to display its armaments.

One of my favorite stories was the near-hijacking to Cuba. It was customary for us to book the first of two nightly flights from Miami to Jamaica when we took new missionaries to their first assignment. That way, if we missed the first flight, we could get the last one. There was one time that we were definitely running late and expecting to miss the first flight. We got to the airport and learned that the first flight had been delayed so we still were able to catch it. The next flight, the one we thought we'd be on, was hijacked to Cuba! Naturally, Chris and I were just a little bit curious if that could have been a chance for us to open Cuba to missionary work...well, like the sons of mosiah. I guess it wasn't quite Cuba's time but it was an understandable dream for two Spanish-speaking missionaries somewhat displaced into this new island mission.

Another interesting visit during the 4 months I was in the West Indies was to Trinidad. There were missionaries there although they were not officially recognized by the government for proselyting. They did not dress in the typical missionary clothes and they did most of their work with the branches there. We did sponsor a mini-marathon to bring some favorable publicity to the church. It was featured in the Church News. We chose the marathon because running seemed to be a real interest at the time.

international QUOTE
Elder Matthew Fisk (1987-1989)

I entered the mission in 1997. When I entered there were over 20 missionaries on the island of Barbados. The other islands consited of St. Maarten, St. Kitts, Antigua, St. Vincent, Grenada, Guadeloupe and Martinque. I was told that we also had missionaries on St. Lucia as well, but we had been asked to leave the island. President Caddick was mission president at the time and the mission office was on Barbados.

I spent the bulk of the early part of my mission in Oistins and was then called into the mission office for several months. It was during that time that Barbados passed it's law limiting the number of missionaries on Barbados. Antigua had 6 missionaries, Grenada - 8, St. Kitts - 6, St. Martin - 4, St. Vincent - 8, Guadeloupe - 4, and Martinique - 8. At it's peak Barbados had 8 missionaries in Oistins, 10 in Christ Church, 8 in Black Rock, and 6 in Speightstown (These figures include the couples). The Lord obviously put his hand in at this time because it was at almost the exact same time that Trinidad once again allowed LDS missionaries on the island. All the missionaries that were required to leave Barbados were shifted onto Trinidad.

Trinidad opened with 6 missionaries in the San Fernando district, and there were two districts in Port of Spain. I am told that it has really boomed over the last few years.

President Jeffs entered the mission field in 1988 just as Trinidad was opening. Both presidents were fantastic to serve under and were exactly what the West Indies mission needed at its point in growth.

Site History

This was the first Alumni Site for the West Indies Mission / Trinidad & Tobago Mission maintained by someone actually living in the Mission and witnessing its' activities firsthand.

The Trinidad & Tobago Mission used to be known as the West Indies Mission until February, 2007 when the mission was split. It is interesting to note that in 1991-1994 the Mission originally had this name. Recently, it reverted back to the name: West Indies Mission.

The site was first created by Matthew Fisk, an RM, before he turned it over to JB.


This site is NOT an official representation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints nor its mission(S). The content, graphics, and links are the responsibility of the designers and those who have joined the site. The views herein are solely the thoughts of those that are part of the site or the designers. This site seeks to share history and development of the Church in Trinidad & Tobago based on the Books written by Jean A. B. Borde. This is NOT a site about the District / Branch of the Church in the West Indies Mission. For official information from the Church please go to: Source 3

Mission Name: West Indies Mission

Other Names: WIM or Trinidad & Tobago Mission

What can be Discussed here?

Here you can talk about when you served and how it was for you. Did you have success? Were you enlightened? Did you touch anyone's life?

The new West Indies Mission President, Elder Dorenbosch, came in on the 1st June and met with the local leaders in Trinidad on the 7th June. He is from Holland and served in the London Mission. He is was a salesman for a carpet company in Utah and served in the military. He seems to be excited and wants to form a Stake in Trinidad by June 2004. You can see the updated picture through the WIM web site at: Source 3

Mission Splits Again

This Thread now deals with: The new Puerto Rico San Juan East Mission will also be centered in San Juan and will contain the two stakes and one district in eastern Puerto Rico, as well as the English-speaking countries of the Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Montserrat, Dominica and Barbados. (LDS Church News)

Related Threads

* Trinidad Mormons
* Barbados Mormons
* St. Lucia Mormons

Sponsored Links:
11th Sep, 2004 - 12:53am / Post ID: #

Mission Indies West Mission Tobago and Trinidad

I was not officially called to this mission, but from an early age I walked with the missionaries from 9am to 9pm week after week. A lot of this was due to the heavy immigration restrictions in Trinidad that prevented the necessary amounts of missionaries from coming to proselyte. I also wrote the History of the Saints in T&T that details this: Trinidad & Tobago Mormon History

The West Indies Mission under took a name change and separation for a short period splitting into two parts; the West Indies Mission and the Trinidad & Tobago Mission. The Trinidad & Tobago Mission was later rejoined to the West Indies Mission with the headquarters of the Mission residing in Trinidad. Below is a missionary's account.

Account from Elder Michael Evans (1991-1993)

international QUOTE
I entered the mission field August of 199?. One month before I arrived the mission had been split and the Trinidad and Tobago mission was formed. Added to the Trinidad mission was Guyana and Suriname. French Guiana, which is also in South America, was added to the West Indies mission because the language spoken there is French.

After meeting the new mission president, Eldon Wood, I was assigned to the Island of St. Vincent. At that time there were 10 Elders and one couple. The work there was pretty slow and we spent the majority of our time tracting. In February of 1998 we received word that St. Vincent and Grenada were to be added to the Trinidad mission. The reason for this was because St. Thomas and St. Croix, both U.S. Virgin Islands, were to be added to the West Indies mission. These two Islands had been part of the San Juan, Puerto Rico mission but were English speaking, so the brethren thought it best to put them in our English speaking mission.

St. Croix had a thriving branch when we arrived in March 199?. My companion and I as well as a senior couple were the only missionaries on the Island. St. Croix had been struck by hurricane Hugo in 199?. The devastation it left required a lot of rebuilding. Many construction workers from the continental U.S. Came to find work. Two very strong Mormon families had come and both men were serving in the branch presidency. Therefore, St. Croix was a self-sustaining branch and the missionaries were able to concentrate on proselyting a lot more.

From St. Croix I was transferred to Barbados to the Black Rock Branch in September of 199?. The government had recently allowed two more missionaries to serve on the Island so there were 6 elders (Including the assistants) and 3 couples. In all three branches the couples were serving as the branch Presidents. Once again the work was slow and it seemed like the branches were in a maintenance phase where they just weren't growing. We needed to have more missionaries to really make a large difference in the size of the branches.

From Barbados I was transferred to Antigua where there was now only two Elders and a couple. But, a month later we received two more Elders which helped a lot. My companion and I tracted our entire half of St. John's and had only one baptism, which was a referral from a member. Although the work was slow here, the branch presidency and branch positions were self sustaining. A few months after I left Antigua, all the missionaries were taken off the Island (As well as most of the other English speaking islands). I thought that would mean the branch would collapse. However, my parents recently visited the Island on a vacation and they attended church. They said that the branch missionaries had been doing an excellent job and there were over 50 people attending church. That was great since we had trouble getting over 40 while I was there. Antigua still does not have its own meetinghouse.

14th Aug, 2005 - 1:39am / Post ID: #

Trinidad & Tobago Mission / West Indies Mission Studies Doctrine Mormon

Since I am not near the Mission Headquarters again it will be good if someone can contact me with any new updates they think should be added to the site. Continuing...

international QUOTE
Elder Jim Davis (1996-1998)

I entered the mission field May 23, 1996 and started my life as a missionary in Christ Church, Barbados. At the time Roy Valantine was the mission president of the West Indies mission. For some reason I had a strong desire to start in Barbados, I think it is because I heard it had the best living conditions of the islands and had most of the luxuries found in the states except for Dr. Pepper and Taco Bell. At the time I arrived in Barbados the work seemed to be going nowhere. It seemed like all we ever did was tract. We would teach a few first discussions a week and hardly any of these ever progressed past a follow-up. In my five months on B'dos, all of which were spent in Christ Church, I think I only taught four second discussions and two third discussions. Thankfully we were able to find and teach a family that was baptized.

My next stop was to the Kitty area of Georgetown, Guyana. At first the work in Guyana was going slow. By the time I left however missionary work in Guyana was going well. I saw a number of people in my area baptized in the six months I spent there. The other areas in Guyana were doing great also. I think there was a six to eight week stretch with at least one baptism a week. It was exciting to see. In the six months I was there the attendance at the Georgetown Branch sacrament meeting went from an average of 70 to over 100, with the highest I saw being 135 on my last Sunday.

Couva, Trinidad was the 3rd area I was in. This is the newest of the branches in Trinidad. With the formation of this branch from the San Fernando and Arima branches, the P.O.S. District was created. Couva was a little branch that was struggling to survive. There was a core of about 20 members who came to church every Sunday. Sometimes they were the only ones who would come along with the missionaries, but there were also random weeks when over 50 people would show up to church. I wasn't there so long (2 1/2 months) but a few people were baptize in that time. I spent three weeks in Petit Valley, Trinidad (This is in the P.O.S. Branch) before going home on medical leave with a injured back. As a result I didn't have a chance to see too much happen. The one thing that impressed me was the branch president, Gavin Ishmael. He was doing a great job and I think it was reflection on the branch.

After spending seven weeks back in Utah I was fortunate enough to return to the West Indies. For the last nine months of my mission I served in the Sangre Grande branch of Trinidad. When I first arrived there were only 52 people at church. During my time in Grande a miracle occurred. Within a matter of months, over 100 people were coming to church regularly. A branch that only had 5 convert baptisms in 1996 and 1997 combined had 43 in 1998 ( I was there for the first six months, and we hadn't reached 20 by then) This branch when I got there was really struggling. Then due to the workings of the branch president, Kennick Suepaul, who was the best branch president I ever worked with, and some other members, things started to change. It was amazing to see. As far as I know, Grande is the only branch in the mission where the members and families of the branch presidency and the branch clerk are all endowed members and are sealed. I think these blessings are a major reason they had as much success last year as they did.

Alumni from the old site

1981 - 1983

Pauline Pizzey

1982 - 1984

Ken Stewart
Gordon R. Hale

1982 - 1984

Darren Wilcox

1983 - 1985

1984 - 1986

Dan Moore
Donald Are Buswell
Doug Kimber
David Kuhni
Grant Hardester
Brian D. Haskell
Michael Fletcher
Jim Parker
John Patten
Jerry Sabaitis
Dave Simons
Vince Shrader
Kimball Springall
Sam von Bose
Allen B. Wheeler Jr. / wheeler

1985 - 1987

1986 - 1988

John Bartholomew
Bryan Ermatinger
Matthew Fisk
Clinton Hunton
Kent Lawrence
Jeff Nalwalker
Mark Perryman
Tracy Sorenson
Byron James
David Jensen[/b]

James Parham

1987 - 1989

Michael von Savoye

1988 - 1990

Mike Carlson
John Hayes
Brad Holyoak
Justin Marshall
Scott McDonald
Ryan Noyce
Jared Preston
Taylor Satterthwaite
Dave Wheeler
Laron Wilson
Jacqueline Wortham
Donald E. Larson (Don)

Matthew Murphy

1989 - 1991

Paul Thayne
Michael Rowley
Gary Ishmael
Jared Vanderhoff
Steven Beach

1990 - 1992

Matt Chadwick
Michael Evans
Trevor Johnston
Keith McQueen
Ronald Kay Hansen

1991 - 1993

Gavin R. Ishmael
Faizel Rahman
Michael Evans
Michael Hawley
Rich Lloyd
Jared Nielsen

1992 - 1994

Joshua M. Ausborne
Jake Christensen
Haag, Darrell/Elva
Matt Pace
Brent Simmons
Thomas Stevens
Joey Moon Jeff Frink
Matthew M Evans
Paul Shipp
Rich Turnbow

1993 - 1995

Jimmy Boston
Rich Turnbow
Sam von Bose
Dave Wheeler
Laron Wilson
Mark Orton
Ryan Phillips
Brian S. Wurtz
Thomas Adams
Taylor Maxwell[/b]

Sam Jenkins

1994 - 1996

Kelvin Brewer
Phillip Cauthers
Joshua Engle
Daniel Gomez
Cory Lindstrom
James Robinson
Ryan Springer
David Timmerman
John Lawson
Justin Marshall
Scott Mc Donald
Keith Mc Queen
Jeff Nalwalker
Ryan Noyce
James Parham
Jim Parker
John Patten
Mark Perryman
Jared Preston
Robin James
Dave Simon
Bryan Torgerson
Derrick Gardner

1995 - 1997

Seth Chappell
Matthew Mower
Kris Scortinghuis / schort

1996 - 1998

Shawn Fraser
Matt Stayner
Darrell Swan
Jim Davis
Corey Boren

1997 - 1999

Steve Porter
Rick Reed
Darrell Swan
Christopher Sorensen
Keith Reidhead / Keith

1998 - 2000

Jay Salmon
Ajal Williams
Justin Wanlass
Brian Jacoway
Stewart Foss
Derek South
Mike Vroman
Christopher A. Roberts
Donovan Timothy Rose
Elder Foss / scfoss
Benjamin L. Heward / Shahlufu

1999 - 2001

James Heaton
Scott Ericson
Brett J Barrett
Mark Wright
Bodi Anderson
Richard Killian
David R. Land
Jeremy Burgess

2000 - 2002

Craig Johansen

15th Apr, 2006 - 2:07am / Post ID: #

Mission Indies West Mission Tobago and Trinidad

President and Sister Dorenbosch would be finishing their mission call on July 1st, 2006. A new Mission President was called and his name is Reid A. Robison, a former BYU employee.

"Robison said the French speaking area he will serve in does not have stakes or wards. His wife, Diane Robison, said the current mission president over the West Indies has worked hard at preparing the area to grow into wards and stakes. She said her husband's abilities to organize would help the work to move forward in the mission.

"He'll be great at putting together the finishing touches in preparing the saints to become a stake," she said.

19th Apr, 2006 - 2:46am / Post ID: #

Mission Indies West Mission Tobago and Trinidad

In all honesty, I hope he comes with new vision, something that works. In my opinion the work has digressed in many ways and increased pitifully in others. Those who know of our thoughts in the Mormon Doctrine Studies Board will understand what I am talking about. Having a Stake will not only be a blessing, in my mind it is desperately needed.

West Indies Mission Alumni Couples

1980 - 1982

The Eastmonds

Elder & Sister Eastmond contributed to the growth of the early Church in Trinidad.

1986 - 1988

Rulon & Erma Brown

This couple were assigned to Trinidad (San Fernando) by Rex Pinegar to serve as the Branch President over what was about 5 members at the time. They would love to receive mail: 7576 S 2300 E SLC UT 84121

1992 - 1993

Harold and Margene Severson

Served in Trinidad & Tobago Mission

1994 - 1995

Ron & Erma Colby

We served in the Trinidad & Tobago Mission in Jan 94 to Jun 95. It changed to the West Indies mission while we were there. We live at 1331 Dixie Downs Rd. # 17, St. George, Utah 84770

1996 - 1997

The Bodilys

We're still in Colorado Springs where Lynn serves as Bishop of one of the young single adult wards here. We have about 72 LDS cadets from the Air Force Academy who attend our ward of about 165. Lynn is just processing 13 of them to go on missions after this school year. One of them is going to the French speaking West Indies mission.

1997 -1998

Gary and Betsy Gehrig

[b]1998 - 1999

Elder & Sister Davis

Elder & Sister Davis were instrumental in establishing the growth in Couva. Elder Davis was also the first Patriarch assigned to the District.

1999 - 2000

John & Natalie Mc Gill

Elder & Sister Mc Gill

The Mc Gills were the first couple to be specifically assigned to work with CES in the region. More on them can be found on the Trinidad Mormons web site.

2001 - 2003

Jim Are and Faye Amos
Serving on St. Vincent
Elder & Sister Amos

12th May, 2006 - 3:25am / Post ID: #

Trinidad & Tobago Mission / West Indies Mission

I found a picture of Reid Robinson. If anyone is curious to see how he looks like, you can check this link out. He is the guy in the middle:

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
22nd May, 2006 - 9:53pm / Post ID: #

Trinidad & Tobago Mission / West Indies Mission

Past Mission Presidents of the West Indies Mission

1976 - 1979

Howard B. Marsh
Caracas Venezuela Mission

1979 - 1982

Dale E. Miller
Caracas Venezuela Mission

1982 - 1985

Kenneth Zabriske

1985 - 1988

Olga and Roy Caddick

1988 - 1991

A. Dean Jeffs

1991 - 1994

Elden Wood
West Indies Mission

1991 - 1994

J. Richard Toolson
Trinidad & Tobago Mission

1994 - 1997

Roy R. Valantine
West Indies Mission

1997 - 2000

Kenneth J. Mason
West Indies Mission

2000 - 2003

M. Don Van Noy
West Indies Mission

2003 - 2006

H. Dorenbosch
West Indies Mission

2006 - 2009

Reid A. Robison
West Indies Mission

Pres. And Sr. Mason

Pres. And Sr. Valantine

Below: Pres. & Sr. Robison

Trinidad & Tobago Mission / West Indies Mission
Trinidad & Tobago Mission / West Indies Mission (Hover)

1st Jan, 2007 - 1:34pm / Post ID: #

Trinidad & Tobago Mission / West Indies Mission Mormon Doctrine Studies

Big Update!

I have updated this site and merged it with the Trinidad Mormons site to include pictures and more Updates! There is a better menu at the top and regular Updates will be made as the current Mission President is nagging me to add new stuff to it.

Trinidad & Tobago in the West Indies Mission

This is the island that has the most to talk about among the missionaries. Trinidad has missionaries first from Venezuela in 1976 but was never officially granted proselyting privelages until 1988. (Matthew Fisk says he was part of the initial missionary force in 1988). Trinidad used to be One Zone and Two Districts (San Fernando and Port of Spain). Trinidad now has one zone and several districts.
There are about 30 missionaries serving on this island at present. The headquaters of the Mission is in Trinidad. There are five Branches and a District with about 1300+ members.

international QUOTE
Elder Jared Vanderhoff - 15 Dec.,2000

"I'm not sure what kind of stories you want about my mission, but here is one I love to share. It was an experience in San Fernando, Trinidad with my companion, Elder Thatcher.
One day we were suffering through a horrible day of tracting. We had not gotten into a single door all day. Finally, this really old man let us in. We began teaching the first discussion, but it was clear he was too old to grasp it. We just figured he would get it on the other side. As we were just about to leave, my companion decided to be funny by volunteering me to sing a song I had been working on. I asked, "What song?" He said, "We thank Thee, Oh God, for a Prophet; of course." I then responded that I would sing it if my companion would join me. He reluctantly agreed. As we began, we were taking it pretty lightly. You know, "(Laugh), you got me." Suddenly, a remarkable thing happened, the spirit of that great hymn entered the room.
A bit surprised, we looked at the old man and saw that tears were streaming down his face. Then, of course, tears came into our eyes. What started as a joke, turned into a very spiritual experience. That man may not have understood our message, but he certainly felt the spirit.
I believe the Lord blessed us for enduring through what would have otherwise been a rotten day, and at the same time humbled us for our lack of respect for sacred things. We left with renewed vigor, knowing that whatever we are doing in the Lord's name is His work and we never know when we may have a positive effect on somebody."

The below pictures are of two chapels in Trinidad; San Fernando and Couva. The Couva Chapel is a rented building but very large in size.

Pres. And Sr. Alleyne outside the Arima Branch

Br. Ramkissoon and kids with Pres. Alleyne starting place of the Couva Branch,
Br. Ramkissoon's Home Picture supplied by Pres. Alleyne

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