Trinidad Child Psychologist
There seems to be a lack of Child Psychologists in Trinidad. Indeed those Trinidad Child Psychologists are mostly Masters degree holders in the Art and I have found only one with a Doctorate. It is even more difficult to find a Trinidad Child Psychologist that specializes in Autism and related special needs children. Anyone can recommend someone?
After some research I have found that there are only two pediatricians in the entire country that can handle special needs children cases. Both are attached to Mt. Hope: Dr. Dick and Dr. Ramnarine(?). A recent report showed that there are some 20,000 special needs children in this country and only 2 doctors? No wonder when you make an appointment you are scheduled almost a year away. The government needs to import doctors and therapist who are QUALIFIED, experienced and that can deal with the numerous cases here.
Name: Shenielle
Title: Chattergoon
Comments: Why is it that the government in Trinidad do not employ Psychologists? There is indeed a high demand for it but it is not being taken into consideration. A lot of persons are studying Psychology and yet, a job is not guaranteed. My question is why?
Studying psychology and being a psychologist are two different things. In order to be a psychologist you must have a Phd. Most of the so called "child psychologists" in the country (except for one) only have a Masters which doesn't qualify them as child psychologists. Unfortunately, people doesn't know better and they're fooled.
Name: Sherryann
Comments: I think that having more jobs for those studying child psychology is very important,because there's a lot of children in this country,in need of special care and counseling.