Did you once have a web site up about your local ward or stake? Are you sad to see it go? What did you like about it that you now miss?
From Deseret News some years ago:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently issued a letter calling for the discontinuation of local unit Web sites until a policy can be established to govern them.
In a letter dated March 15 from the Presiding Bishopric to stake, mission and district presidents, as well as to branch presidents and bishops, instructions were given to discontinue all existing sites. Local church units and organizations were also told not create or sponsor Web sites until further notice.
Web sites are now allowed again. My ward has one. So does my stake. There are certain guidelines that must be followed, but they are no longer forbidden.
In fact, if you go to www.lds.org there is a link for Ward and Stake web sites on the front page.
It appears that only sites within the US and Canada can currently participate. It appears that it is done through the Church somehow.