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Welcome to the forums. I think you will find that in the member wars section we have three D&D games going using 3.5 rules. Take a look around at all we have to offer and see if you wish to join in any of the RPG games we have to offer.
It's been a while, but I do have 15 years experience playing AD&D. I'm creating some awesome characters I hope do well. I developed all of these many years ago, and they always served our party well. Hope to engage with some of you soon. Two more characters to create.
Most of the DMs like me will allow you to play only one character in each campaign. I have two campaigns going one where there is a party and also a solo adventure. All my characters must start at level one with no experience. The character does start with max hit points. Just make sure you post your character in the proper character creation thread to be approved by the DM of the campaign you wish to participate in.