Yeah, I have a bit of a libertarian streak, and a strong distrust of big government, I find this proposal rather scary. I don't want the IRS both preparing and collecting my taxes. That is a clear conflict of interest. More, this is one step away from mandating the IRS prepare taxes.
Edited: Abnninja on 28th Apr, 2017 - 5:49pm
In her latest book she has said that money in Washington is like a snake that is slithering through Washington and doing no good in fact she stated that it is a direct threat to our democracy. Then she says the IRS should do our taxes for us? That makes no sense to me at all.
It does not matter. The same thing is true. Money is the root of all evil and all these people in Washington are supposed to be there to represent us instead of their own special interests and getting more money in their own pockets. They are all crooked and need to be removed from office since they are only there for themselves.
I think we just found something that all the people in congress and the house can agree upon is that they need to be there and collect all that bad money so they can get richer and stick it to the poor and middle class citizens.
Edited: KNtoran on 28th Apr, 2017 - 6:08pm