You might think he is too skilled to be a barbarian, he is controlled and fighting tactically (defensively)
Un misses
bigs misses by a long shot
slim seems to be taunting Tal but throws another dagger at you but misses and then begins walking between the two of you (behind you)
Tal shouts "Come on you" and curses at him "I'll get you for what you've done"
Un hits just but still wounds deeply, 13
bigs misses
slim throws a dagger at Tal hits him for 4 damage
tal charges and supprisingly hits, for only 4 damage the two exchange rapid curses and threats
They stand 15ft behind Un
Edited: testsubject1 on 18th Oct, 2010 - 5:48pm
Un hits for 12,
Bigs steps back (almost collapses) and lays down his sword putting his hand up empty in a notion for you to stop.
Slim attacks Tal with the rapier and the throwing dagger
hits with both 5 then 3 damage.
Tal not looking healthy screams as he attacks again but misses, he is driven by a rage and he seems not to fear dying wich it looks like he should be doing by now.
As you stomp up behind slim you see him suddenly spin around with a cocky grin as he manages to keep both of you off his flank, that look suddenly fades with all the color in his face as he looks down and sees your oversized sword occuping most of his stomach, he gradually slides off it,
Tal lobs the spear past you, you hear it ricket of metal, then get sheild bashed in the back of the head for 5 damage
Edited: testsubject1 on 18th Oct, 2010 - 6:10pm