I am a member of the Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ. I was converted
to Mormonisn due to a Near Death Experience when I was twenty six years
old. I happened upon this website thru a search engine, and saw some
questions that others were asking from the story of my Near Death Experience.
I decided to register so I could answer the questions as best as I could. I used
to belong to the Baptist Religion, as well as Pentecostal before being baptized
as an LDS member. I was raised up in Georgia by my sister, and brother-in-law
from the age of four. Picked cotten as a six year old and for many years into
my teenage years. Extremely hard, hot, backbreaking work, not many survive
the heat in the fields. I've written poetry and won Editor's Choice Awards plus
have some published. I am divorced after twenty eight years of living with
an alcoholic husband, I have two sons from this marriage. I have lived thru
some extremely hard times, which I am not yet ready to share, but will at a
later time and place. Satan works extremly hard against Latter Day Saints,
and he has worked triple time on me. My battle began when I was only four
years old, and hasn't stopped to this day. I love God with all my heart, mind
and soul however, and nothing can change my belief in the power of the
"Holy Ghost." The power of prayer has been demonstrated to me many
times in my lifetime, also the words of your mouth. I firmly believe that
God has a hand in all things which happen to his children here upon the earth,
and we are not alone. He is here for each of us, we but need to call on his name.
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