Strong and Army Strong
Is there really a difference between "Strong and Army Strong"?
Yes there is. Strong is an individual. Army strong is a group of people. A group of people is always going to be stronger than the individual person. Every one has a different talent they bring to the group. This makes the whole group able to do things better than the individual. This is what they mean by being army strong.
I think being army strong means that you are tough and combat ready. I've never served in the military but it sure will be nice to be ready for survival and combat.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 18 1.8%
Being ready for combat and actually facing combat are two separate things. You would be surprised the number of people who freeze when the shooting starts. Being army strong means that you and your squad are a fighting force and you are ready to do what you have trained to do.
That's true Kntoran. I don't know if I want to actually join the army I'm not into people shouting at my face.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 18 1.8%