LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays - Page 8 of 42

bobnbrittw after reading what you said I had - Page 8 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 20th Feb, 2008 - 12:06am

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Poll: What are your MAIN thoughts about Gays, Gay Marriage and Mormon Gays?
  God has explicitly condemned being gay as an abomination       26.92%
  God will not allow you to be gay if it is against his will       11.54%
  You are not born gay so you should not be gay       3.85%
  Gay attraction and homosexual acts are one and the same       3.85%
  Sometimes through unfortunate experiences people become gay       3.85%
  There is a difference between gay attraction and the act       11.54%
  You may have temptations but they should be controlled       7.69%
  People might have gay attraction but need to learn the right way       7.69%
  Gay or not we should show love and not judge       23.08%
Total Votes: 26
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Mormon Homosexuality Poster says, "At first I was against it because of the sanctity of marriage and it's eternal purpose, but now I am not sure. I agree that a Temple marriage can only be between male and female. This is because of the religious sanctity of marriage for eternity, for propogation and simply because that is how God intended it. However, the Church recognizes the validity of civil marriages that are only for this life and not eternity, even though this is not how God intended it. "Your view is... ?" Other interests: Gay and serve a mission? Boyd K. Packer's talk about same sex attraction.
LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays Related Information to LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays
26th Dec, 2007 - 4:19pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays - Page 8

The perspective of members today is supposed to be one of showing love to people who are having trouble dealing with homosexual feelings, but it does not mean that I am not going to do everything possible to make sure gay marriage stays out of the law books. I personally have a special dislike for anything related to same sex relations and will not do anything to encourage it.

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27th Dec, 2007 - 2:11am / Post ID: #

Gays Mormon Marriage Gay Perspective LDS

This is the way I see it: I personally disagree with the concept of gay marriage, nevertheless I do not see the need to personally try to do something to stop it.

Post Date: 31st Jan, 2008 - 10:51am / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays Studies Doctrine Mormon

Name: Norm

Comments: In my opinion I believe the reason God and therefore the Church tolerates a civil marriage between a man and a woman, is that the Celestial Kingdom is built on this foundation and the propagation of children through out the eternities to his work and glory. He tolerates in hope that this male female union will one day repent and be temple married to achieve his purposes in eternity. However the homosexual union can never achieve his purposes for his work and glory and would defeat his plan if allowed to exist especially in great numbers. This is the reason to not even tolerate homosexual marriages civilly, as they lead those engaged in such practices and those confused about such off of Gods purposes for mankinds eternal happiness. Should God accept such practices to exist he would be a kingdom divided against himself and would be setting himself up for defeat.

Post Date: 7th Feb, 2008 - 9:18am / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays
A Friend

Page 8 Gays Mormon Marriage Gay Perspective LDS

Well-said. Of course, anyone in that position (of being homosexual) would say that it's easier to say "you're okay as long as you never get married or act on your feelings" than to actually do it, but there's a reason for these things and this life is not the end. If they bear this great burden for this life in the hope that they'll be able to enjoy all of God's blessings in the world after, I'm sure they will be blessed for it. Remember, for all things (concerning hardship) there is a reward in heaven.

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11th Feb, 2008 - 2:00am / Post ID: #

Gays Mormon Marriage Gay Perspective LDS

the Celestial Kingdom is built on this foundation and the propagation of children through out the eternities to his work and glory. He tolerates in hope that this male female union will one day repent and be temple married to achieve his purposes in eternity. However the homosexual union can never achieve his purposes for his work and glory and would defeat his plan if allowed to exist especially in great numbers. This is the reason to not even tolerate homosexual marriages civilly

I am not sure as to why civil marriage has bearing on eternity? This seems like a false analogy to me. If the inability to have children in this life has bearing on eternal consequence then why do we allow couples who cannot have children the right to marry? If a gay couple cannot have children in this life and that effects eternal progression then would not infertile couples do the same thing? I can understand how celestial marriages of same-sex marriages fits this claim of affecting the eternities, but not why civil would effect eternities.

If we make the argument that sex is all about procreation then why do we not follow Paul that states we should not have sexual intercourse after metapause? I think we have to look for better arguments other then procreation, because we use sex for more then procreation. (this is not to say that homosexuality is not a sin, but that this argument for not allowing civil marriages just does not work for me.)

Post Date: 13th Feb, 2008 - 11:26am / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays

Name: Norm

Comments: We need to look at the bigger picture here, God's purpose is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man as in mankind. He does this by the continuation of the seeds as he calls it or having children D&C 132:19. Look up seed in your standard works, it refers to posterity. Even though some opposite sex couples cannot produce children in this life that draw back will be corrected in the resurrection, providing they prove faithful, and yes they can still have sex in that marriage without being immoral as God accepts civil marriage on a temporal basis according to the laws of the land holding out hope for an eventual eternal one.

Therefore it is right that they marry civilly here on earth not being LDS or knowing the plan yet may one day come to know and embrace it to the continuation of the seeds through out eternity and their immortality and eternal life. However to allow homosexuals to marry even temporarily in this life is not only immoral but is to hold out false hope on the state of what a marriage is as God intended it to be. Two men or two women cannot fulfill the purposes of God either in this life or in the next. God looks on everything in an eternal perspective or what can be eternal in the future. Same sex marriage cannot be eternal and therefore becomes a lie and a deception to the true course of marriage and can only lead those who indulge in and support it into false hope and away from the true purpose of marriage in Gods plan, the continued immortality and eternal life of mankind . What leads away from God is against God and disrupts or thwarts his purposes. Those who remain in either a civil marriage or same sex union without ever repenting and obtaining an eternal marriage cheat themselves of the highest reward God has to offer, exaltation in the highest degree of glory, and this life is the time to prepare to meet God as the Book of Mormon says in Alma 34:32, so we are not suppose to be wasting any time in false doctrines or hopes if we are in the know. Whereas opposite sex civil marriage has the shadow of some hope of temple marriage through repentance, same sex marriage has absolutely no hope of temple marriage and seed bearing now or in the resurrection, therefore opposite sex civil marriage still has eternal potential, the other has none and can only keep one from preparing to meet God as this life was set up to do. Please read your scriptures, you can't bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of mankind without having seed and this is God's prime purpose and work Pearl of Great Price Moses chapter 1 verse 39.

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Post Date: 17th Feb, 2008 - 10:37pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays
A Friend

LDS Perspective Gay Marriage Mormon Gays - Page 8

It always makes me nervous when I hear the question "Can you still be a good LDS person and believe in...?"

I believe that I have a divine right of free-agency. Not only do I believe that I have that free-agency, I believe everyone has it. It was given to us on the basis that we be able to use it. In our War in Heaven we fought a third of the host for this freedom.

This free-agency works both ways. I have the freedom to make choices that will ultimately bring about my salvation, or my damnation, or somewhere between. This was Christs plan, and we all supported it in the pre-existence.

I feel that there are few sins greater than that of taking away someones free-agency. Whether or not I feel that homosexuality is a sin is beside the point. The point is that we should not force our values on someone who does not share them. To do so only causes contempt, rather than understanding. The gospel is not meant to be something that is enforced by law, but embraced with willingness.

There are many laws that exist that are in opposition to the gospel. As an LDS people we need to remember that there is a distinct difference between what is legal and what is moral. We all learn that it might be legal to go drink a beer, but we also know that it doesn't make it right.

Rather off topic, but...
My greatest fear is that if we continue to make laws based only on moral values, there may come a day when a law is passed that is contrary to our moral values, but reflects the values of some other majority.

20th Feb, 2008 - 12:06am / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective Gay Marriage Mormon Gays Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 8

bobnbrittw after reading what you said I had to check your marital status to see if you found yourself a companion. Just imagine if you chose another man over your sweethear, that would be disappointing wouldn't it?

> TOPIC: LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays


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