Mary: Mother of the Messiah

Mary Mother Messiah - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 27th Nov, 2003 - 5:32pm

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15th Nov, 2003 - 4:22pm / Post ID: #

Mary: Mother of the Messiah

I attended a Know Your Religion meeting last night.  The topic was about Mary and her role in bringing forth the Savior -- specifically:

1. How do you raise a child you will one day worship?
2. When does the child become your master?
3. Mary as a very devoted disciple
4.  Joseph's role in protecting Mary and Jesus -- and his death prior to the beginning of the Savior's ministry.
5.  The devotion of other women in the New Testament

What are your thoughts or insight into these things?


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16th Nov, 2003 - 11:27pm / Post ID: #

Messiah the Mother Mary

These are some questions I have thought about before. I think the answer comes in knowing that Mary was no ordinary woman, but specifically selected as was Eve to do this important and sacred act of life for men. As far as being the mother of the Savior I would like to comprehend it in the same way we would seeing a mother of a Prophet. It may not seem the same, but think about this. First of all we worship the Father through Jesus Christ and not Jesus directly, so it would still be easy to listen and obey the Lord and yet still worship the Father. We were shown this when Christ came to the Nephites and they began to pray to him. I am sure Jesus himself showed much respect and desire for His mother and this would make it easy for Mary to not lose sight of her purpose. Lastly, I think Mary was blessed with understanding to know and love in a way we may still be learning, thus it was a 'perfect' picture. In my opinion.

18th Nov, 2003 - 11:05am / Post ID: #

Mary: Mother of the Messiah Studies Doctrine Mormon

Mary was no ordinary woman, but specifically selected as was Eve
 This is so true!  And as I understand it, women in that time married at the very young age of 12 or 14.  How strong she must have been, so young!  And in the scriptures that specifically mention her, she seems very solemn -- there was no mocking or second guessing God.  She accepted what was happening very seriously.

First of all we worship the Father through Jesus Christ and not Jesus directly, so it would still be easy to listen and obey the Lord and yet still worship the Father.

I wonder though, when He specifically began to show forth His true mission?  There are so many questions I started to type here... and there just aren't any answers at this point in time.

I am sure Jesus himself showed much respect and desire for His mother
This was shown at His crucifixion.  His last words to any mortal was when He "gave" His mother to a beloved disciple.  He wanted to make sure she was taken care of.

Lastly, I think Mary was blessed with understanding to know and love in a way we may still be learning, thus it was a 'perfect' picture.
 Ah.  Now that's one I hadn't considered.  But of course.

I love the scriptures that say "Mary pondered these things in her heart."  She wasn't given to hysterics or doubt.  She didn't gossip or chit chat with anyone else about what was happening.  She pondered the events around her and carried on.


Reconcile Edited: FarSeer on 9th Dec, 2003 - 2:30am

18th Nov, 2003 - 4:58pm / Post ID: #

Messiah the Mother Mary

Since the Savior was without sin, it probably wasn't too difficult to raise him.  I mean, he wasn't out causing trouble and rebelling the way many youth would be.

27th Nov, 2003 - 2:54am / Post ID: #

Messiah the Mother Mary

Since the Savior was without sin, it probably wasn't too difficult to raise him.  I mean, he wasn't out causing trouble and rebelling the way many youth would be.

Who knows...maybe it was all the opposite, maybe it was difficult because he was perfect...can you imagine how a mother may feel if the child is so good? she may feel useless, she may feel he didn't need her enough. But Jesus Christ had such a great love for his mother, he respected her, honour her and loved her deeply.
Mary was a special daughter of Heavely Father, She definetly was not an 'ordinary' woman because I don't think God will choose an 'ordinary' woman as the mortal mother of the Savior of the World. She was definetly mature for her age, worthy, humble and all the great qualities a woman could have to become the mother of the Lord.

27th Nov, 2003 - 1:33pm / Post ID: #

Mary: Mother of the Messiah

LDS said:

Who knows...maybe it was all the opposite, maybe it was difficult because he was perfect...
Can you imagine raising a child who could know your thoughts, or the intent of your heart? A child who could work miracles?

One of the things that the speaker mentioned was the first miracle of Christ's ministry -- changing water to wine. Mary had to have known that he could work miracles, or she would not have told him about the wine shortage... and then told the servants, whatever He says to do -- do it -- don't ask any questions. Isn't that interesting? I'd never looked at it that way before.


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27th Nov, 2003 - 5:32pm / Post ID: #

Mary Mother the Messiah

One of the things that the speaker mentioned was the first miracle of Christ's ministry -- changing water to wine. Mary had to have known that he could work miracles, or she would not have told him about the wine shortage... and then told the servants, whatever He says to do -- do it -- don't ask any questions. Isn't that interesting? I'd never looked at it that way before

Yes! I read this in Jesus the Christ by Talmage some time ago.

> TOPIC: Mary: Mother of the Messiah


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