The man with whom you are talking nods his head in agreement and waits patiently as you inform Assassin about what has happened to you.
GM: If Assassin and Krusten want to act on Shifter's update then put your actions, if not I will only need Shifter's actions. Whomever posts actions first please inform me so I know if to wait or not. Say what you wish to do now.
Shifter relays that you are not convinced about his words. The man looks visibly disappointed as you stand to leave. Just as you step outside the door the man says,
"This will not be the end of this and you are taking things into your own hands. There are powers that be that are greater than us who will not see this ring leave Egypt."
As you get out into the alley the men with guards retreat into the building where you were questioned and close the door. The cab driver is no where to be found so you walk to a part of the street that looks more active and try to flag down a cab. It takes awhile but you eventually get one and as you start moving along you eventually come across Krusten and Assassin, both of whom are surprised to see you.
"Where you go?" Says the cab driver.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
You tell the driver that you want to go to the airport. He agrees and starts driving. When you are about 15 minutes into your journey a van pulls up near the driver while moving along a highway. The side panel opens and a local man with a gun motions to the driver to pull to the side. The driver is visibly shaken and immediately decides to do just that. As you look around you can see that there is also a similar van behind boxing you in.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
The cab you are occupying is now boxed in. An array of gun men start piling out of their respective vans while point their guns towards the car. One comes over to the driver and pulls him out by the collar but that is as far as he reaches as Krusten is already in the process of collecting all the guns from men including him. Krusten then ends up apart from it all with about 10 large guns in her hands making her unable to hold anything else. Regardless, the men don't seem to be surprised by Krusten's powers and try to move in to fight with their hands to get their guns back.
People on the highway are starting to slow to see the spectacle taking place as Assassin remains untouched and Shifter in the form of a snake hides under a seat unseen. The cab driver starts to mumble something frantically that you do not understand.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
Krusten uses her speed to get two pistols to Assassin and then speeds away to dispose of the rest of the guns.
Despite seeing Assassin with the guns in the car the men surround it.
GM: Say what you wish to do now. I need a speed roll for Assassin and combat rolls if you are shooting at the men.
One of the men tries to grab Assassin's gun but fails. Just as Assassin is about to retaliate suddenly all the men have been flattened! Krusten now appears standing over them - she has done all the hard work! The men are not completely out but it does give you a chance to start moving away as the cab driver returns and is most anxious to get going.
As you drive off you look back to see if the vans are moving, but they are not. You do see the drivers of the vans get out to assist those that Krusten has knocked out. They are starting to assemble again but slowly. After a few minutes you still do not see the vans but instead a bright light appears ahead and above the car you are in.
A curious looking being with an ankh symbol on the chest area appears before you. The being's eyes glow white as he or she puts a hand out with palm face up while motioning you to stop but you notice that the being is actually stopping the car! It moves to the side of the road and engine stalls. By this time the cab driver is now besides himself and you are astonished about what is happening.
In a thick accent the being says,
"I am the servant of Egypt. You will not lave Egypt with the sacred ring. I will take it and return it to the great god Amun to whom it belongs. Bring it to me."
By now people all over the highway are beginning to gather. You can see they are pointing at the being with smiles and cheering, apparently they know the being somehow.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
While Assassin stays still in the car Shifter confronts the being in an unapologetic manner. The being looks towards Shifter and says,
"Do you know who I am? I am the one that upholds justice in Egypt and you are trespassing here. Give me the ring before you bring evil upon the world!"
Krusten uses her powers to gain a sense of the intentions of the being. Her first feeling is very similar to how one feels when they encounter someone just and upstanding. She can feel immense power from the being but she does not know to what extent. She can also feel the being is focused driven and will not stop until the ring is in its possession.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
In a thunderous voice the being says,
"I am not hear to negotiate with trespassers, rest the ring on top of the car so I can retrieve it or I will do so by..."
Her words are cut short by the abrupt cry of the cab driver who runs for his life behind her. You are unsure why he has done this until you look around.
While engaged in conversation and unnoticed by you; cars stop and people stare but what also happens surprises you; vigilante men with bats, wheel spanners and whatever they could find are now on their way to you.
GM: Your next move is critical, please be specific.