Assassin will carefully watch the guy that is talking with Krusten to see see if he tries to slip anything in her drink. He will also do a vision scan to see what's on him.
Krusten continues to chat with the guy telling him only a little of her and really trying to find out more about him and to see if he has any connections.
If Krusten glances towards Assassin he will warn her about the gun in the guy's jacket by making some kind of hand signal.
To clarify. The shifter will go away from the crowds and make sure that he is not being followed. Then he will see if he can find a police station to ask about how one can get his clothes back so he does not have to keep wearing the same outfit. HE is seeing if he can find out where his items are at.
Krusten will press the guy further with questions to see if she can find out if he can help with the mission. Maybe he knows someone, etc.
I already rolled in advance in case: Krusten rolled a 100 faced dice 1 times because Geeting info from the guy and obtained 17
Assassin keeps seated watching carefully to make sure Krusten is safe with the guy and she doesn't suddenly try to leave for no reason.