Garrant slips to a corner and uses his force power to spill another mean looking guys dink on another mean looking guy.
Felipe will not fight. Assassin and Krusten will lay low while attempting to get to the red curtain and see what's there.
Specific Action:: Neihao stays out of the fight, watching the red curtain area. (danger sense/rolled 17)
Assassin - 99
Krusten got a 63 and will make her way to the curtain to get past.
Felipe wants to get out of the bar and obtained 37.
Krusten: Duck and stay for cover until its safe.
Felipe: Jump up to the roof of the bar and rest there.
Garrant drops to the floor taking cover behind anything useful.
Assassin stays on the floor for whatever might happen next.
Felipe gets near to the stairs to downstairs and listen carefully and try to not be seen by the men inside the bar.
Garrant stays in the corner watching.
Krusten tries to think fast and come up with something good.
"I... I... I'm here looking for work, can I speak to the boss?"
Assassin keeps his eye on Krusten and what happens next.
Garrant slowly moves towards the red curtain an Krusten. He tries to continue to remain to be unnoticed.
Use the energy beam to create a tiny hole for Felipe to see what is going on downstairs.
Assassin will make his way to the curtain to see if he can get in or at least find out what's going on with Krusten.
Krusten will take up the invitation hoping to see the boss.
Garrant uses his danger sense to figure out if Krusten is any immediate danger. If she is then he will use his super power to make the uzi hit the guy in his face. No body else is making a move yet.
Felipe: Jump down from the roof, get near the windows of the bar and try knocking the windows of the bar with his knuckles to distract the men with the guns for Assassin to go to the curtains.
Kruten: "You know this and that, what kind of services do you need?"
Assassin will remain still for the moment.