Ooc: The Shifter, I think if we disable the metal lock that the door will be able to be opened. I understand the mechanics of a hotel door lock and breaking the metal that attaches it to the wall should open it.
I've been saying we should be more diplomatic for a bit. Thats a good observation and correct. We also learned we need blue tooths. Edited: Oliron on 5th Dec, 2010 - 3:49am
Ooc: I always thought that was just a movie thing. If you damage an electronic component with a lock then what happens is the lock doesn't move it doesn't stay open. Now even though I'm saying that the metal part of the door is what is actually the lock can be moved by Garrant but in doing that there will be some obvious door damage. Luxury hotels only have the best so the door is likely not one of those cheap ones you find at a motel.
I am good with the what the group wants to do. I think checking out the heliport is something we should check to make sure he has not escaped. After that I can get into the room via a window or use my stretch ability to run my hand under the door and open it from the inside.
Ooc: Yeah on second thought you are probably right with the door lock. I was getting bored and wanted to move further and that was my only idea.
Garrant feels the powers in him focusing it, getting ready to push the metal disk threw the lock. He stops suddenly, "Maybe I shouldn't do it this way. We don't want to cause damage we may regret."
Ooc: Dudes I have to post now what we're going to do now because then the story will update with something negative so I'll just put Shifter as checking out the roof of the hotel and accessing the room from the other side.
Krusten thinks to herself silently how cool it would be to change into an eagle or some other creature and see the world from that view. She sighs about it but doesn't share her thoughts as she waits to see what happens next.
Thorn wants to get into that room as well, but has a niggling thought about the stairwell, while he is waiting to see if they can gain entry. He decides to check that the wayout is clear via the stairwell and other bad guys are not heading up.