Garrant sees that the professor is being subdued. He thinks about using his powers to help immobilize the man but instantly remembers the shattered door.
Garrant had only tried to force the lock and somehow cracked the whole door. The Force wonders if something similar might not happen to the professor.
Instead he drops the paper he had been reading right next to Shifter and the professor.
The Force then leaps at the professor as he tries to blind Shifter. Doing a football like tackle, trying to bring the professor to the ground.
1d100 = 45
Out of Character: Alright I added our actions. I haven't seen Hayden in like a really long time. If he doesn't turn up soon he might have something like bad happen to his character.
Out of Character:: Hopefully JB won't notice and he'll return in time.
Forge looks left to right and back again. He is really anxious about all that's happening and hopes it ends soon and they can get out of the airport.
Out of Character:: No doubt this is going to be a tough one to get us out. You guys just tell me what you want to do and I'll post the actions.
Shifter will look at the people gathering around and calmly say we are not thieves. My team and I are assisting the police with the recent theft from the museum. This man here has taken some items that do not belong to him therefore I believe that he is the true thief. I would ask that you people stand clear for there is no telling what other objects of harm this man has upon his body. He has caused some people to fall under some spell making them his slaves.
Shifter will remove the attache case from the professor to. As Airport security staff arrive Shifter will show them his badge and also tell the security to check with the airline representative that he talked to before the professor arrived.
Krusten tries to use her sense of danger to find out if any of the people around are under the influence of the ring or might attack any of us.