Forge looks on as Shifter tries to explain his case. He whispers,
"Shifter is that a real badge? If it is give me a nod."
Out of Character:: Last we need is airport security coming to check for fake stuff. The police will be here too for sure. What about those guys you were in the interrogation room with? Maybe you can give them a call.
The Force will continue to hold Walcot in place. Making sure to keep Walcot from doing any funny stuff (pinned and restrained).
Garrant looks up at the gathering faces, "Please people we are obviously not robbing this man. Please wait for security, they're on their way."
Edited: Oliron on 18th Jan, 2011 - 9:15am
Out of Character: What we wanted to do doesn't apply anymore because now we have the people already in our face and security is asking for our IDs. I'm still by the door so I think its just you guys with Walcott.
Out of Character:: My action will be pretty much the same. Garrant will try and convince the crowd that they are not thieves by using logic. He will try and stall until security arrives and will produce ID once they do.