"Yes please wait" She tells the cab driver as she goes up she tells Assassin, you should do the talking.
Out of Character: Should we tour Egypt while we wait or just let JB speed up the game? I paid for the cab.
In Character: "OK, I'll do the talking".
After Assassin gets all that he wants to know he discusses the idea of checking out the pyramids while they have a few days.
"Maybe we can learn more about the ring"?
Out of Character: Let me know what you want to do before I put actions. I'm fine with just waiting for the ship but that hotel is expensive!
Out of Character: Well we have 3-4 days however we should camp out at the port near time in case it comes in early.
In Character: "I'm up for viewing the pyramids, it will be better than just knowing about it from books and pictures online."
Out of Character: Sure, pyramid exploration is good, at least it might be cheaper than visiting high society clubs that suck your earnings.
Out of Character: I hope their cabs are equipped to do that otherwise I will pay for the $200 tour. That ship better come on time or my cash will be done soon!