[quote] I wonder where you get such ideas as "to a leader of the Church mentioning anyone going to hell for not reading the Book of Mormon 30 days" I for one don't believe that the leaders of the Church would even comment on such a thing, and don't you think that what you said is a little extreme. [/quote]
No, I don't think I was a bit extreme. I was trying to point strongly that leaders do not make feel inferior or unworthy to other members if they don't read the Book of Mormon for 30 minutes every day. That's what youstated in your past message. I don't really know why you're so concern about how other interpret suggestions or scriptures...I said this because I suppose you're a busy person and only when we have reach the spiritual level we wanna be then we turn our eye to the next person to see what they're doing....you talk about judgment a lot in your posts but have you noticed that you're doing the same thing towards those members who (in your opinion) makes other people feel 'inferior'.
[quote] I have not heard members directly say that you aren't worthy if you don't read the scriptures enough but I have heard a member of the Church say that the 'reason we do home teaching is so that we can have more sisters in the word' [/quote]
Well, I assume you know we have a Church where all of us are human beings yes, with strenghs and also with weaknesses. I cannot judge this sister because I'm a sinner myself. Can you?
[quote] I agree that "whoever feels bad, then there is something more going on...they may be experience guilt coming from other sources than the Church itself. Maybe themselves feel they're not 'worthy' and they want to blame the leaders for what they think is a 'reminder' of how they really feel inside." and yet you suggest that this is a bad thing, many missionaries can testify to the behavior of the members during sacrament and how it offends golden investigators. [/quote]
Whoever feels offended whether they're members or not have issues with themselves, within their lives...is NOT the fault of the Church or the member who is speaking in Sacrament, is not the fault of anybody actually. Those who are offended must analyze first what is really bothering them. Example: A brother is speaking about Adultery in Sacrament and a Priesthood holder who is sitting down there was or is committing adultery and he is 'offended' by it...is there anything to feel offended about? think about it. I have seen this with my own eyes by the other hand I have seen another example like this but the brother had a totally different attitute, you could see he was trying to change and make a difference. Whoever feels offended is because the truth is too hard to be taken but they themselves need to deal with the issues that is bothering them. The Church do not have to stop talking about the Word of Wisdom because there is a sister in the ward who smokes, just to not 'offend' her, are we trying to please Satan here?. Let's not be so quick to be offended like Pres. Hinckley said, let's change the things is bothering us personally rather than to blame others for the unhappiness we feel because of our transgressions.
[quote]Why don't you just come out and say it, you know you want to and guess what it won't change my testimony in the least but I am sure it effect many members negatively.[/quote]
You don't have a clue in what I want, so please, stop assuming. Nobody is attacking you, therefore you should not feel the need to defend yourself or quoted all the books you have read the past month...that's self-agrandisment to me...you see? sometimes we see that in others but not in ourselves.
[quote]Someone who openly disagrees with the church is not partaking of false spirituality because at that point they aren't trying to deceive others into believing that they are spiritual.[/quote]
Someone who openly disagrees with the Church is going into the road of Apostasy.
[quote]Your whole post derides those who don't do what you expect of them. Your implication that I was somehow offended in the post smells of judgment.[/quote]
You mean your interpretation of my post. It seems you have some issues to deal with Edward, but please do not ventilate your negativity in this board. This whole forum is intended to be a peaceful, uplighting place to discuss Church doctrine, so please read the thread before posting, if you do not want to abide by what the thread is about please refrain from replying to that particular thread and choose one that best suits you. Thanks.
So people let's go back to the original thread. Farseer how is your reading of the Book of Mormon doing?
[offtopic]Edward, I think we met online before in this same board, but you had a different username. It's okay if you left and wanted to return. [/offtopic]
The reading is going pretty well, thank you for asking How are you doing with your reading program?
I'm still averaging 12 pages a day, so I'll probably not finish by Thanksgiving. And that's okay with me -- I just feel really good about finally reading the BoM all the way through. And it's so awesome, I know I'll do it more often.
I'm currently in my favorite book of Alma, in my favorite Chapter 5.
I printed anonymously in the Sacrament Meeting program an encouragement to the ward members to read, and how many pages per day they could finish by New Year's Day. :) Just a little nudge from "nobody." So far no one has asked where that came from, and I think I'll print it in there every once in a while about progress just to keep the momentum going.
Farseer, what a cool idea to print those little reminders in the bulletin. Often that is all it takes to encourage someone to work on improving themselves in an area in which they might need growth!
I'm sure it wasn't my idea... I usually fill *any* empty space with an uplifting or thoughtful quote, from the scriptures or from church publications or other official source, that tends to go along with the theme for that meeting. I've had so many different people at different times tell me how a particular quote touched them that day, the bishop is encouraging the continuation of that practice. He says they are often used as the topic for morning priesthood meetings. And I get more out of it than anyone else, probably, because I research for something appropriate for the theme and therefore I read a *lot* of stuff before I decide (or feel inspired) what to include.
Encouraging people to read the Book of Mormon is going to be a hot topic for me for a while, I think
Thank you for the encouragement
[quote] Encouraging people to read the Book of Mormon is going to be a hot topic for me for a while, I think[/quote]
That is great because we are told in D&C 84:61 that we will be forgiven as we are '...bearing testimony to all the world...'. It is important to note that this promise was given after the Lord rebuked in vs. 54-57 for taking it lightly. I need to start talking about this Book more so I can be forgiven seriously.
[quote]I need to start talking about this Book more so I can be forgiven seriously.[/quote]
I hear that, JB But I always forget that for every action we take in promoting the gospel, there is a blessing for doing it. Thanks for that D&C reference!
Farseer, what a great idea about printing that encouragment in the Sacrament Program!!! I will suggest the same idea to whoever is in charge of the Bulletin Board of my branch.
My reading isn't all that great but I'm doing it slowly but surely... I'm also reading Church History maybe I should spend some more time on the Book of Mormon than the other one, at least, until I finish reading the Book of Mormon.
Thanks for the encouragment
LDS, just keep plugging along. Slowly but surely is good enough. The key is not to give up and just keep at it.