Kim is an evil dictator that needs to be put away for good. Any of his generals could do away with him, why don't they? Arent the people there suffering enough from a lack of food and basic necessities?
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 40 4%
His generals don't off him because they fear him. He keeps them all living in fear of him and of each other. They also don't want to rock the boat too much since they live a pretty good life, at the expense of just about everyone else. It's often this way with humanity.
Yes he is a evil ruler but you have to look it this way too. It is better to have a known evil ruler in power than a unknown, unknown power in control of a country that has access to some dangerous stuff. I know that was something that was debated before taking Iraq's dictator out.
I agree with you. President Trump sure shouldn't have said that. Un is driven by his ego and the president calling him a smart cookie is going to fuel that ego. Sometimes our president needs watch what he says and curb his urge to just blurt things out.