Sex Offenders Most Likely To Return
I was watching a documentary about prisons and one thing mentioned that stuck out - out of all the various types of offenders: murders, and robbers and so forth the type of criminal most likely to return to prison are Sex Offenders.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3243 100%
I am not surprised. I am convinced (based on studies) that sex offenders cannot be rehabilitated hence no matter how much they try, they usually end up re-offending. I saw a documentary that mentioned some important changes on brain development on sex offenders.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Name: CompassionWorks
Comments: You need to check the stats! Unfortunately there are lots of people spouting hearsay and mythology concerning "sex offenders". The statistical truth is "sex offenders" return to prison only 5% of the time for another sexually motivated conviction! I should also make mention that 97% of all sex crime is committed not by a stranger but rather by a friend or family member of the victim (within the victim's own residence without any relevance to the proximity of a school, park, daycare, bus stop,etc.) It is all a politically motivated "stranger Danger Hysteria" fueled by a few high profile (terribly tragic) cases (Waish, Wetterling, Lunsford, Duggard, etc.).
I would like to see your backup sources for those statistics CompassionWorks. Please provide source material/links to disproved the so call "myths" you make reference of. Thanks.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Doesn't surprise me at all. Regardless if the abuse was from a family member, friend or stranger, there is still a high chance they will re-offend.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 7 0.7%
Should sex offenders get GPS devices before leaving prison?
At least twice in the past month, sex offenders prompted multi-agency manhunts in the North County when they refused to be monitored by GPS - a responsibility that falls on the offenders when they get out of prison. The cases beg the question: Why aren't sex offenders strapped with GPS devices before leaving prison? Ref. Source 7