Why I Am A Mormon - Page 17 of 21

"Remember that faith and doubt cannot - Page 17 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 12th Oct, 2010 - 2:46am

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LDS Online Testimony Testimony Meeting for LDS Posters. Share your feelings about the Gospel and how you became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints..
Post Date: 9th Jun, 2008 - 4:45am / Post ID: #

Why I Am  A Mormon
A Friend

Why I Am A Mormon - Page 17

Well it has been almost a year since I've visited this board. Just to give an update from the last time I wrote my testimony...my husband quit smoking biggrin.gif . We have been sealed in the temple and things can't be any better. I feel truly blessed and greatful

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9th Jun, 2008 - 5:02am / Post ID: #

Mormon I Why

That's a wonderful report, LDSCyn! Thank you so much for sharing your joy smile.gif Great good wishes for the future for you and your family.

Post Date: 19th Aug, 2008 - 12:05am / Post ID: #

Why I Am  A Mormon
A Friend

Why I Am A Mormon Studies Doctrine Mormon

QUOTE (Whew @ 29-Jul 03, 3:01 PM)
Hi all
    I am a lifetime member, filled a mission in canada, was converted there forever.  I thought I had a testimony and had been sharing it for about a year, when we met a Luthren Minsister.  My companion was giving him the 1st discussion, and I simply added my testimony that I know Joseph Smith was a Prophet.  When suddenly he jumped from his chair and leaned across his coffee table and pointed his finger in my face and shouted,"YOU DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING OF THE KIND, YOU MAY BELIEVE IT, BUT YOU DO NOT KNOW HE WAS A PROPHET!  Needless to say, I was taken back, and to this day I do not know what I replied to his charge, but I remember the awful sick feeling I had as I left his home.  I suddenly realized, he was right!  I realized I really didn't know Joseph Smith was a Prophet!  But I had to find out.  My parents did not make much money, and they were supporting both me and my older brother who also was on his mission.  I realized I could not remain in Canada teaching something I did not believe.  I had to know!  For the next 3 weeks I studied and prayed every wakeing moment, but still I had not received a witness as promised by Moroni.  Than at the end of 3 weeks I decided to go to bed early and pray one last time.  I TOLD the Lord if I didn't receive an answer to my prayers by morning, I was going to call the Mission Pres. and request to be sent home, because I could no longer remain here teaching something I did not believe, and wasteing my parents money.  I than retired to my bed and began thinking about all the things I had been studying the past 3 weeks, when I noticed a tingling sensation in my feet.  I supposed I was pinching a nerve and my feet were going to sleep, so I adjusted myself than continued my thoughts.  Shortly I noticed the sensation had moved up to my knees so I moved again than continued my thinking.  By now this tingling sensation was at my waste, but I just ignored it, and instead just let out a big breath of air and out loud said,"Is Joseph Smith really a Prophet?"  When suddenly this sensation jumped from my waste into my chest and increased 10 times over.  I was shocked, but surprised at how warm and wonderful I felt.  I noticed that this happened when I ask that question.  So I tried it again,"Is Joseph Smith really a Prophet?"  And as before this sensation jumped from my chest to the top of my head so that I was completely enveloped from head to toe, and as before this wonderful sensation increased over and over again.  I felt so good I wanted to ask that question again and again, but something prevented me from doing so!  All I could say was "Joseph Smith is a Prophet!" I than started to weep, I was so filled with the spirit, I now knew the truth.  Than I heard a voice speak to my mind, "Yes Hugh, Joseph Smith is truely a Prophet of God, and the book of Mormon does contain my gospel, it is true, and this indeed is my one and only true Church on earth!"  Than I had the most powerful impression that if I needed a greater witness I should kneel by my bed and pray and Jesus Christ would appear if I desired!  But than I also received the impression that I didn't need any further witness, I had received a sure witness from the Holy ghost.  As I rose the next morning this sensation was still with me and remained with me all day.  In fact this sensation remained with me for the next 30 days and nights, before it subsided.  I know Joseph Smith is a Prophet of god called to restore this Church and gospel to the earth in the Latter days.  I know the Book of Mormon is the word of god and yes , this Church is the one and only true Church on the earth today for I have heard the voice of the Lord declare it so.  I bare you this witness in the name of Jesus Christ  Amen...Hugh 

I really loved this testimony. That is the best way of gaining a testimony by the confirmation of the Holy Ghost.

A real testimony is one of the Holy Ghost testifies. Only then is a real testimony.

I am sorry if this short of expression is not acceptable.

I wonder how Hugh is now and if prepared to come forth and let us know, maybe with another testimony.

Reconcile Message Edited...
LDS_forever: Please don't write everything in capital letters because in internet terms it means "shouting". Thanks.

2nd Nov, 2009 - 1:18am / Post ID: #

Page 17 Mormon I Why

Hi my name is Jeff. I live in Sacramento, California. I"m a convert.
I was baptized on November 9, 1994. Nov. 9 is also my birthday.
So it's my birthday and my re birthday.
Now, I"ve never shared my testimony publicly, like this, not even in testimony meeting. I"ve have shared it, one on one, as the spirit directed, but that's it.
Since I"ve never heard anyone else share the details of their testimony, in testimony meeting, I"ve always thought it must be inappropriate.
Especially when you here people say things like," there's more to the story, but it's too sacred to tell".
The other reason I haven't shared it is because I want to be humble about it, and not be perceived as prideful or boastful.
Especially since the scriptures are clear on these subjects. But the Spirit has been prompting me lately to share this story often. So I will.
I knew that Jesus Christ was the Lord and Savior along time before I joined the Church. When I was ten or eleven years old, my mother sent me to the Catholic Church to go and confession, for the first time.
So I started peddling off to the church on my bike. I was about half way there, when a thought came to my mind "¦ that I could talk to God myself. And ... If I did have anything to confess, I didn't need to confess it to a man. I didn't know it then, but I know now, that I was being guided by the Holy Spirit.
I was obedient to my mother though, and went through with the confession. Saying to the catholic priest, that I had a messy room, didn't due my chores the way my mom likes them, and things along that line, I felt like I was basically making things up, for the sake of having something to say. It definitely wasn't in my heart. That was the first and last time I went to a catholic confession. From then on, I began talking to God directly. "¦
Then when I was about 14 or 15, I was babysitting in the home of one of my mother's friends. The kids were asleep, and their parents were late coming home. I was bored so I started playing with their new 8 track stereo. (this is obviously in the "70s)
I put in a Doobie Brothers tape, and the song "Jesus is just alright" started playing. When it got to the part where they sang "Jesus is my friend", I felt a warmth inside, and heard the words in my mind, saying "Jesus is your friend also".
I began a deeper relationship with my Lord that day. Because I knew He was my friend, and soon I began to see Him as my Father too.
I rarely saw my natural father while I was growing up. He was allowed to see me once a year from about age 5 to 15. I think I saw him about 8 times during that 10 year span. Because, some years, I didn't see him at all. But I knew he was my Dad, and I loved him.
My step father had issues with me being another mans offspring, so he treated me like a red headed step child. He was wrong though, I was actually blond.
I wanted, and needed a father, and what better father than Jesus. I talked to Jesus like He was my Father, I talked to Him about everything, and I included Him in most of my decisions.
He truly did raise me through my young adult life. I saw His hand in everything. Fast forward now to my thirties, and know that there's a lot I"m skipping. But this is a testimony, not my life's story.
However my life's story is my testimony. Every event in it, points to the Lord.
My son Christopher was born June 14 1992. That was one of the happiest days of my life. I was going to start a family, and give my son the family I always wanted. That didn't happen though.
His mother left me, and the courts felt he belonged with his mother. This was one of the hardest times of my life. I don't want this to start getting depressing, but you have to know, that this was hard.
Out of necessity I wound up living with my cousin. He rented me a spare room for very cheap. He wound up splitting up with his girlfriend, and moving out. I continued living there, because the rent was cheap and she didn't kick me out. Probably because she needed my money.
She started hanging out with a lot of bikers, and letting them hang out in her house. They were involved in the manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine.
They loved the devil, and openly said so. They tried recruiting me into their wickedness.
One day while aiming a gun at me, they told me, that there was 'two kinds of people in the world, us and them. And, if your not one of us, then your one of them, and we kill all of them."
I quickly excused myself down the hall way, and jumped out my bedroom window. I spent the next few nights sleeping where ever I could. I even spent a night sleeping in the dewy, knee high grass, of a meadow.
After witnessing so much wickedness, and seeing that there were people in the world, who willingly and wantonly, destroy lives, I decided I wanted to fight against them. I considered working under cover with the police as an informant. That didn't happen, but I was able to hinder their operations a little bit. (but that's a whole other story)
I decided that if I was going to fight against evil I would have to join a church, because I"d need Gods help. I prayed for God to help me find the church that had the most truth.
I didn't think any of them had all the truth. All the churches I had experienced this far in my life, I noticed, only had partial truth. And I assumed that was the case for all of them.
I had already become accustom to receiving answers to my prayers. So, like always, I fully expected that if I didn't get an answer right away (because sometimes I did), that I would get one eventually.
I still had no place to live. I called my sister in Modesto, and she said I could stay there until I got back on my feet. I got up the money and took a bus to Modesto.
My sister joined the Church when she was 16, and was now semi active. She was the only member on either side of my family in the Church, and I didn't even know it.
The missionaries came over for diner one day. I had been living there for about a week now. After diner they wanted to teach her son one of the discussions for baptism.
I kept interrupting them and challenging their knowledge, because I felt I knew the New Testament fairly well.
I considered myself non denominational, since I had quit listening to other peoples interpretation of the Bible a long time ago. And I had read it and decided for myself what it said.

But, according to a Baptist church I once attended, Mormons were a cult. I figured if anyone could prove them, I could. But, to my surprise they knew the same things I knew. And even some I didn't. When they left that night they gave me a Book of Mormon and asked me to read Moroni's promise. I did. "¦

And while laying there on my sisters coach all a lone, I prayed to know if the book of Mormon was true, and while still in the thought, I received the most beautiful manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
A round seal rose up out of the page I was reading. I examined both sides of the page. It was pressed from the back side and raised on the front. The words rolled over the shape of the seal.
I was overcome with an incredible feeling of peace and comfort and love. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was clean and pure and incredibly tranquil. I really can't find the words to describe it accurately.
And, as I watched the seal sink back down into the page, the voice of the Lord spoke audibly into my ears.
This wasn't the still small voice, which I"ve since come to here whispering to my mind. This voice spoke out loud into my ears.
And this is what it said, " The feelings you are feeling now, are only a small example of what you can have, if you continue on in righteousness".
I was so over whelmed, that I just closed the book, held next to my heart, and cried happy, joyful tears until I feel asleep.

I called the missionaries the next day, and told them I wanted to be baptized.
I told them the story, and to my surprise they acted like "yea.. That kind of thing happens all the time". And then they ask me if I felt a burning in my heart.
I thought to myself, "did they just here what I told them"? Then I told them yea, it was a little bit warm. But really the warmth was the least of the sensations. Peace, love and joy were the focus.
I"ve since felt that warmth of the Holy Ghost, they were talking about, confirming the truth of things, I hope some of you are feeling it now, as you read this.
But let me tell you, this was nothing like that. This was an over whelming feeling of love and joy, peace, and happiness, and every thing that's good all together.

Well, to my disappointment the missionaries told me that I had to take six discussions before I could be baptized.
So, I took the discussions, was baptized, confirmed a member and received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Immediately after that I began receiving nearly every form of communication from Heaven.
When I prayed I felt a light rise up from my belly, through my body and into my arms to my hands, with the majority of it gathering in my head.
It was so intense that it felt like it would shoot out of my hands, and that my head would explode into light.
There is no other way to explain it, except that it felt like LIGHT. My Bishop gave a talk this month, and mentioned an eight year old boy who said it felt like sunshine.
From an eight year olds perspective, I"d say that's accurate. But, from mine it was more intense than even sunlight.
Those feelings continued on for about eight months to a year.
After finishing reading the Book of Mormon, I began reading the Doctrines and Covenants. That's when I began to feel a since of urgency, to put together a family and get to the temple. Which I"ve done.

I bare you my witness that I have factual knowledge, That the Book of Mormon is TRUE. Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, who translated the Book of Mormon and helped the Lord restore His Church and Gospel. President Monson is our living Prophet. And our priesthood authority is true and correct. If it weren't, I wouldn't be enjoying the gift of the Holy Ghost that was given to me by that authority. I know that Jesus lives, and he is at the head of this Church, the only true Church on earth.
I give you this testimony, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Post Date: 2nd Nov, 2009 - 1:49pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am  A Mormon
A Friend

Mormon I Why

(my life's story is my testimony. Every event in it, points to the Lord. )....I love this statement and I couldn't agree more.

These last few years of my life has been causing my testimony to grow even more!

I have made many changes to help me develop more both spiritually and physically.
I separated from my husband 5 months ago because things were going on which were dangerously hindering my progress in life. I stopped drinking alcohol for a month or so because I was determined to prove that I would become a better person without my husband, unfortunately I have "friends" who know how to tempt me to the point that I couldn't refuse "a harmless glass of vodka".

But... Through the love, patience, guidance and encouragement of my True friends and my bishop I have learned yet again to turn to my heavenly father always and because I have prayed (with a broken heart and contrite spirit) I have gained new strength and have not had a cigarette or alcohol for 7 weeks starorange.gif' /><!--endemo-->  </p></div>

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Post Date: 12th Aug, 2010 - 10:06pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am  A Mormon
A Friend

Why I Am A Mormon

I have just read my last post and feel compelled to give an update on my progress. It has been 9 months since I was last on here and I still have not touched alcohol and smoked a cig! My life feels like it has finally turned the right side up. My confidence has built up tremendously. I look forward to being asked to say prayers at church, I enjoy my calling as activities councilor much more, I am becoming more domesticated , learning new skills I.e. Sowing, knitting.

I have now had my patriarchal blessing and am about to prepare for the temple.

Now that I am living the word of wisdom and keeping my temple clean I am able to feel and hear the whispers of the holy spirit. I see the blessings in my life and others when I act upon the promptings I receive!

I enjoy life so much more now and am learning all I can about our Saviour so that I can follow in his footsteps and love and serve everyone around me whether they be friends, family, colleagues, enemies or complete strangers.

I love my heavenly father very much and am so grateful to have the knowledge that he hears our prayers and knows us as individuals and knows what we need here on earth.

I have learnt new ways of dealing with situations so that when Satan attacks I am prepared, strong and immovable starorange.gif' /><!--endemo-->  </p></div>

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12th Aug, 2010 - 10:16pm / Post ID: #

Why I Mormon - Page 17

That is great Tracey, not only your personal progress, but that you have been able to return here and update us on the growth of your Testimony. Given your feelings about overcoming Word of Wisdom challenges you may also wish to share your thoughts here:

* Marijuana and the Word of Wisdom: Source 3
* Should I Pay For That Beer? Source 3
* Drinking & Mormons: Source 5
* Alcohol In Medicine: Source 4

Post Date: 12th Oct, 2010 - 2:46am / Post ID: #

Why I Mormon Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 17

"Remember that faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other. Should doubt knock at your doorway, just say to those skeptical, disturbing, rebellious thoughts: 'I propose to stay with my faith, with the faith of my people. I know that happiness and contentment are there, and I forbid you, agnostic, doubting thoughts, to destroy the house of my faith. I acknowledge that I do not understand the processes of creation, but I accept the fact of it. I grant that I cannot explain the miracles of the Bible, and I do not attempt to do so, but I accept God's word. I wasn't with Joseph, but I believe him. My faith did not come to me through science, and I will not permit so-called science to destroy it'"
-- Thomas Monson, "The Lighthouse of the Lord: A Message to the Youth of the Church," Ensign, February 2001

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