I became a member of the church in 1988 june. I was passing the church on Sunday on my way the the beauty parlor, when this sign just seems to pop out of nowhere. I decided to go inside and see what happens. I have been there since then. :-->
Right now I am serving as the District Music Chair-person and also teaches Seminary to a bunch of wonderful kids.
I love the church very much. I have come to rely on the counsel that we get from our leaders both locally and internationally.
I know that this is the only place for me.
I was adopted when I was 4 months through LDS Social Services-My biological mother was not a member though-so I guess you could say that I was "born" into the church. My dad's family has been members since they immagrated from Norway with the Scandinavian Mission and then joined with pioneer company's to travel to Salt Lake. My mom converted when she was 15 and is the only member of her family that has ever been baptised. I quit going to church when I was about 14- made some really stupid decisions- and now here it is almost 10 years later and I attend church regulary, I am serving in the nursery ( which I love). I suppose I have always known the church was true, and I knew the gospel- but it just seems like lately I am beginning to understand it all.
(I'll give an abridged version of my conversion story.)
I joined the church during President Kimball's administration. I'm a convert from the Roman Catholic Church. I was the first person in my immediate family to be baptized, and the second convert in my family, (my grandfather was the first convert.) He sent the missionaries to my doorstep and upon hearing the account of the First Vision, a desire of mine was fulfilled. (Prior to learning about Mormonism, I had read the Bible and come to the conclusion that God must have prophets on the Earth and I was wondering where they were.) Later, upon going to sacrament meeting for the first time, I had a powerful manifestation of the Holy Ghost in which I was told:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the ONLY true church!
After this manifestation, I decided to be baptised in the church. My grandfather, a seventy, was the one who baptised and confirmed me. Later, the rest of my immediate family joined, including an atheist and agnostic father.
Later, I read the Book of Mormon for the first time and put the Moroni promise to the test. It was through the Book of Mormon that I gained my understanding of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Halfway through the book, while engaged in reading, the Spirit again came upon me and manifested to me that what I was reading was true.
After receiving the Melchizedek priesthood, I served a mission in Barcelona, Spain. Since that time I've been married in the temple and my wife and I now have 3 beautiful children.
During the years, I've had many personal revelations that have confirmed to me that God does exist, that He speaks to His children, that He listens and answers prayers. The Holy Ghost has given me personal witnesses of Jesus Christ, His atonement, the veracity of the scriptures and of many of the principles of the gospel. It has been a very interesting and fun time in this church, since upon reading the Bible for the first time and reading of the spiritual manifestations of the early saints, such as gift of tongues, prophecy, visions, dreams, healings, etc., I had desired to have those same types of experiences and this has been how it's been since receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
I have a personal testimony that the doctrine of the priesthood is true and that there is power in the priesthood, if exercised in righteousness. Lately, I've been watching with extreme interest as the signs of the times, the prophecies of the holy scriptures, appear to be speeding their way to fulfillment, both the prophecies concerning Babylon and those concerning the church. I know that Jesus is the Christ and that repentence and forgiveness are correct principles that work. I know that God delivers His promise that if we seek wisdom from His hand, we'll get it. He has expanded my mind and heart and capabilities since joining this church and this gift of the Holy Ghost is truly the most amazing gift that we can receive.
I might also mention that I know Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I now know that when the missionaries first told me the story of the First Vision, the Spirit witnessed to me that it was true, but I wasn't taught to recognize the Spirit by the missionaries at that time and I was unaware that the knowledge placed in my mind was from God. Still, I know that the First Vision is true and I've known it from that day forward, although I can't, to this day, describe the spiritual manifestation or the exact message that the Holy Ghost gave to me like on other occasions of personal revelations. I was so caught up in the fact that here I was desiring to know where the prophets were and suddenly missionaries show up and tell me where they are, plus they explained away a concept I had been trying to comprehend without success for many months: the Trinity.
And that is my abridged testimony and conversion story.
Buggeyes, I really enjoyed reading your testimony. It is really amazing to me how much our Father in Heaven loves us and prepares us to learn of Him, if we will allow it.
You had an incredible conversion experience. Not all adult converts to the Church have such dramatic conversions. You are really fortunate to have had such an experience. I believe it is a testimony to how ready you were to receive the gospel when it was presented to you.
I need to bear my testimony again because something happened today that just makes it even more apparent to me that all this "stuff" is true and that the Lord knows and cares for each of us individually and continually.
I was called to be a Ward Missionary. This will be a very difficult calling for me, which isn't really important to explain in order to get to the part of all of this that really struck me today. However, because it will be so difficult for me, I made a point to seek out a member of the Bishopric so that I could be set apart. I am so aware that I won't be successful in this calling without the help and inspiration from the Lord, through the Holy Ghost.
Well, the blessing went as one would expect, blessing me specifically with all those things you would expect to need as a Ward Missionary. Then, at the end of the blessing, I was blessed with "financial prosperity."
I don't believe his message had anything to do specifically with my calling, but I believe the Lord wanted me to be reminded of this blessing so it was pronounced to me during the blessing I was receiving for my calling because the Lord wanted to tell me it again.
I say again, because my Patriarchal Blessing tells me that I will always have enough, and at times will have enough to share with others. When first separated, I would remind Heavenly Father of this and ask him to show me what I needed to do so that I would have enough financially. I have managed, but I still struggle month to month to live within my means and worry about what I will do in the future. Especially when I get older.
I always try to remember not just that I have been promised that I will always have enough, but that I should be sharing it as well. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father took the time to tell me, through one of his Priesthood holding servants, again, that he will provide for me. I just have to have faith and be willing to ask and then do, what he wants me to do to ensure this blessing.
What is really wonderful to me is that I haven't been struggling actively right now, although I have been doing a little worrying. I didn't have to come to a point where I was desperate for him to speak to me. Isn't it wonderful that we can have such relationships with Him?
What a wonderful story Tena. I'm so happy for you! and I'm so happy that you felt so strong the Spirit today. In my Patriarchal blessing it mentions several times how 'wealthy' I would be in material blessings but it will be according to my Faith. I still thinking how little Faith I must have because I still poor .
Thanks for sharing your wonderful testimony, it really strenghen me to read things like that.