My mother was tracted out by a pair of missionaries in the mountains of North Carolina, she was a single mother living at home and working very hard to make a good life for herself and my big sister. She was inactive when she met my dad. He was Catholic. They married and had me. I really don't know why she went back into activity (oh maybe the Spirit... ) My father joined a few years (and a lot of sets of missionaries later, he wore so many of those poor boys out...) later. I grew up thinking it was normal to have the elders at my house constantly. I was baptized by my father at 8 yrs. It's been a really wonderful experience to grow up in the south (deeply rooted in the Bible Belt) USA as a 'Mormon' girl. I'm very thankful to Heavenly Father for my background, and the background and experience of my parents. I think it's a little harder to take the Gosple for granted when you live in the battle field rather than in the fort. Which is probably why I'm still here... I'm being taught patience and gratitude...
I have been a convert to the Church for 5 years I just recently returned from 2 years full time missionary service and my current calling at the moment is as a primary teacher. I was what you would call a truthseeker before meeting the missionaries I was studing alot of books to do with religion and was also learning about ancient cultures and beliefs. It was at this time that I feel the Lord directed me to the truth, I was approached by two LDS missionaries in the street one day and in response to my questions on religion and ancient history I was presented with a Book of Mormon, which I was told was a ancient record based on the Bible written by the ancient inhabitants of the Americas. Further investigation into the Church and its doctrines converted me to the Church and I have been strong ever since my baptism, I have also had the opportunity to bring some of my family into the Church also.
I was born in the Church -- my mother's family have been members since the early days. We have ancestors who were part of the pioneers going to Salt Lake. However, my father was a convert and never really became very active. They divorced when I was 3 years old. My mother was in-and-out of the Church for a long time, but managed somehow to get all 4 of her kids baptized. Then she went inactive permanently and still is today. Because she was inactive, of course us kids didn't go to church either. But after I married at 19, my husband expressed a desire to begin attending church. Well, there was just no way I was going anywhere else. Those teachings in my childhood stuck! So he took the lessons and converted and we were sealed in the temple.... and within 2 years he was completely inactive, within 3 years he was having an affair, and within 4 years we were divorced. Very sad. I tried to stay active, but I lost my testimony and fell into the abyss. I was inactive for 15 years, married and divorced two more times (eeeeeek!!), and had another child 6 years ago (my first child is now 21).
Two years ago, I started going back to church. I had very strong yearnings and urgings and promptings to go ... go... go... And it seemed so urgent... I had to go... So I did. It was hard. I couldn't quit smoking for a long time. But I want my five year old daughter to grow up in the Church and learn all those songs, and associate with other members, and be watched over by the priesthood.
I've been teaching in Relief Society for a year now and am on the RS Board. I also prepare the Sunday programs for Sacrament Meeting (I do graphics and word processing). I can't believe how strong the Spirit is!! I have received so many blessings from returning to Church, it's hard to believe I'm the same person. I'm relearning all the things I forgot... and I love the Lord. I'm so grateful to have the restored gospel in my life and to share it with my family.
There is a new temple under construction just 30 miles from here, which will open Aug. 9th for public viewing. I'll be able to return to the temple within just a few months!! It's exciting to be alive in this dispensation.