Why I Am A Mormon - Page 11 of 21

Thank you, sese, for sharing your testimony - Page 11 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 28th Apr, 2005 - 1:41am

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LDS Online Testimony Testimony Meeting for LDS Posters. Share your feelings about the Gospel and how you became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints..
3rd Dec, 2004 - 2:57am / Post ID: #

Why I Am A Mormon - Page 11

Howe, I so appreciate your testimony. It's not always about "flashy" -- I'll take substance, thank you very much! I also believe that, even if we are born of goodly parents and we are brought up believing, we all must be converted at one point or another in our lives. Otherwise, we're just living on "borrowed light." A person can be convinced without being converted; we all need to feel that touch of the Spirit to know the Gospel is true for ourselves.

Thank you for sharing that with us!

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Post Date: 4th Jan, 2005 - 12:22am / Post ID: #

Why I Am  A Mormon
A Friend

Mormon I Why

Well, I joined the church when I was 17 years old. I had a good friend in high school who was a member, but the only thing I knew was that she went to church in the morning before school (seminary). I had things pretty rough growing up, and my friend knew a little about that. She quoted scriptures in a few notes she passed to me, and I thought that was kind of neat since no one else I knew was doing that. The first scripture she quoted was Matthew 5:43-44. I didn't get along with anyone in my family and didn't have a lot of friends, and I felt challenged by the thought of loving my enemies, blessing them that cursed me, doing good to them that hated me, and praying for those who despitefully used me and persecuted me. I sure had tried everything else, why not this? Some time later my friend invited me to come to young women, telling me that I could set goals and feel good about myself, and have fun, too. I went to church with her the next Sunday, and I felt something amazing as I walked in, though I didn't know what it was. I was surprised by how kind and thoughtful everyone was. It felt great to be there.

By this time in my life, my parents had us shifting religions. I had been methodist, baptist, born again christian, and was currently catholic. The missionaries started teaching me the gospel that night after church, and I was so excited, it was overwhelming. Everything happened so fast; gaining a testimony of the truthfulness that Joseph Smith was a prophet, that the Book of Mormon was true, and the more I learned the more I understood and knew quickly that all these teachings were true. I accepted the missionaries' challenge to be baptized after 2 weeks, and I couldn't wait. Then, I told my parents. They would not allow me to be baptized! They said that this was just a phase and that I would regret it. Well, the missionaries, my friend's family, even the mission president and myself fasted for my parent's heart to be softened. They agreed to let me be baptized the following week. biggrin.gif I have received so much love and support from my friend and her family, I don't know if I would have been able to endure without them. Her dad was my bishop and home teacher, her mom was my young women's president, and I always say that they just loved me into the church. To this day, I am like a part of their family. They never once treated me like a charity project, or that they were trying to rescue me. I have known so many loving people in the church, but I havn't met anyone else quite like them and I want to love others just as they have shown Christlike love to me.

I have gained such a strong testimony. The testimony bourne to me of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer has been seared into my soul forever, and I could never erase that. I have been blessed so immeasurably, including having the challenges placed before me in this life. I am so thankful to know the Plan of Salvation and all of the other gospel principles that I have learned, that my Savior did atone for my sins, that we have a prophet and apostles to guide us, and to be sealed to my family for eternity through the holy ordinances of the temple. It has taken a long time for me to overcome the severe pain and heartache that I sometimes felt (because of some of the experiences that I have gone through), but I am so much better and happier than I have ever been, and I know that this has come through hard work, but more importantly by the grace and mercy of God and the atonement.

I am currently teaching in primary, and I love it! Last year I had all boys the age of baptism, which was awesome, and this year I have the 4 year old's turning 5. I have also been on the activities committee, taught in R.S., family history consultant, primary president, Laurel president, and a lot of other primary positions. wink.gif I have to say that of all the postings I have read here so far, you all are very smart and thoughtful, and I have been enjoying learning from you. Thank you so much. smile.gif

4th Jan, 2005 - 7:11am / Post ID: #

Why I Am A Mormon Studies Doctrine Mormon

What an great foundation you have, dawnofthenew! It's wonderful to hear about it, thank you for sharing it with us.


Post Date: 26th Apr, 2005 - 11:51am / Post ID: #

Why I Am  A Mormon
A Friend

Page 11 Mormon I Why

I spent most of my life growing up in different churches, attending sunday schools and youth clubs even though no one else in my family did. I always enjoyed going to church but never felt that I belonged anywhere and I didn't always agree with them ( a lot of the churches I attended baptised babies - which I have always been against). Eventually I gave up and fell into the wrong crowd, and even though I never stopped beleiving in God I never acted on my feelings. I felt lost and lonely, I was only 17, and I became depressed. I started university hoping for a new beginning but again I fell in with the wrong crowd. Even though through all of this I ad friends that attended church every Sunday, they didn't act like christians, swearing and drinking. Thsi was something I never found fun, even thoug I joined in with the drinking I have never been able to bring myself low enough to use foul language.
Eventually it all came to a head when I had to leave university because I had just given birth to my son. I thought it was the beginning of the end, I had given up all hope of ever finding out who I really was. I remember at the time I was living with my sister and crying myself to sleep almost constantly. Then something happened that has changed my life. Two missionaries turned up on my sisters doorstep, and even though I had lost all hope they persuaded me to listen to them. I did and I felt all the faith I had when I was younger come back and I knew then that our Heavenly Father had never left my side, I had forsaken him. I'm 22 now and was baptised 14 July 2002 and although I have had hard times since my faith has helped to bring me through. I have also learnt the strength of prayer and studying the scriptures and know that these things have helped me stay strong. My family, of which only my sister has been baptised (though she'd now fallen away), have accepted my decision though they still try to get me to drink, they have now slowly stopped and have accepted who I am. I know I am on the right path and I pray for my family to see this.

Thank you for reading this.

27th Apr, 2005 - 12:41pm / Post ID: #

Mormon I Why

Thank you so much for sharing your testimony with us, declension! It's wonderful to hear the inspiration you've received, and that you've been able to turn your life around.


27th Apr, 2005 - 2:42pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am A Mormon

Thanks for sharing your testimony declension. It really is amazing, isn't it!? He really is there all the time. We just don't always realize it. It is so humbling when we do finally recognize his hands in our lives.

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27th Apr, 2005 - 10:43pm / Post ID: #

Why I Mormon - Page 11

I was born int the church. I served in the Australia Melbourne Mission August 1995-1997 and my last 3 weeks in the NZ Auckland Mission for 3 weeks due to visa expiration.
My father was a labour missionary and my mum a missionary in Tonga. I have always known the church to be true I went to CCNZ and graduated from seminary. I feel conversion can come at anytime. I am converted each time that I read the scriptures, attend church, attend baptisms and attend the temple.
I love the gospel with all my heart. Heavenly Father has a simple plan and everyone here upon the earth is a part of it. He is our Father in Heaven and has great love for us. Jesus Christ is the head of this true church and he atoned for us all. Through his example and our obedience we will be able to one day be in the presence of our Father in Heaven. Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God . He was instrumental in Christ restoring the true church to the earth again. A restoration of truth, of teachings and authority. The priesthood authority is upon the earth today and by staying worthy of the priesthood many lives and mine will be blessed. Missionary work is the key to helping all our brothers and sisters return to our Father above whether it is through proselyting or genealogy work. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Christ. Daily reading from it will enable us to live a more harmonious life.
My wife told me that at the age of 3 she attended church with her aunts in california. the little chapel does not exist anymore but she remembered the teacher in primary holding up a picture of a man and being the only one that did not know who it was but felt that he was someone very important to her. At the age of 7 she saw the same picture and was told that it was Jesus Christ, her elder brother and from that day she never turned back but continued to move forward in the gospel, she was baptised at 8 and was sealed to her parents that same year. Conversion for her came from viewing a picture of christ. I am blessed that she is a part of my life and that hand in hand we are of great support to each other.

My current calling is a Stake High Councillor (2 years)helping prospective missionaries. My previous callings or positions are: 1st and 2nd Counselor in my ward bishopric (2 years), Stake YM President (2 years)), Stake Mission 1st and 2nd Counselor ( 1 year and a half), ward YM Pres ( 1 year), Institute Teacher - Eternal Marriage (3 years with my wife), Missionary Prep ( 1 year), MTC Instructor (2 and a half years with my wife)

28th Apr, 2005 - 1:41am / Post ID: #

Why I Mormon Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 11

Thank you, sese, for sharing your testimony and experiences with us. I am always uplifted to hear of the work of the Lord in people's lives -- which is why, I suppose, that we bear our testimonies! Thank you smile.gif

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