Mormons - When Shall We Defend? Mormon Publicty

Mormons Defend Mormon Publicty - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 13th Jul, 2003 - 11:56pm

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So, do we just stand there and let them hit us or do we fight back once in awhile? "The Latter-day Saints have been so repeatedly and generally misrepresented and maligned, that ordinarily little has been done by way of refutation. Were the people to undertake to meet every lie uttered against them and set it right, they would devote the whole of their lives to it and then die without accomplishing the desired object..." Mormons in the Media.
24th Apr, 2003 - 12:49am / Post ID: #

Mormons - When Shall We Defend? Mormon Publicty

When Shall We Defend?

We know that the Church does not go out and defend itself against every exploit that someone makes against it, but there must be a point when enough is enough. When do you think that point is?

international QUOTE
The Latter-day Saints have been so repeatedly and generally misrepresented and maligned, that ordinarily little has been done by way of refutation.  Were the people to undertake to meet every lie uttered against them and set it right, they would devote the whole of their lives to it and then die without accomplishing the desired object.  But there are times when a refutation is necessary; when the whole people awake in earnestness to deny the misrepresentations of those who purposely and wilfully assail them.

--- Junius F. Wells
The Contributor, Vol. XIII, No. 1, (November 1891) P. 52

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24th Apr, 2003 - 12:10pm / Post ID: #

Publicty Mormon Defend We When Mormons

We know that the Church does not go out and defend itself against every exploit that someone makes against it, but there must be a point when enough is enough. When do you think that point is?

I don't know, let me put you the example of the Tanners. For years and years this couple have put down the Church, with all sort of misleading information they have done everything to make the Church look really bad. The Church NEVER had sued them because of the information they provide in their web sites and books BUT it's funny enough how the Church sued them recently NOT because of the Church stuff they put in their publications but because of breaking  copyright laws!!! *shaking head* (The Tanners used to have in their web site the whole Book of Instructions of the Church). That makes sense for you?.

24th Apr, 2003 - 12:24pm / Post ID: #

Mormons - When Shall We Defend? Mormon Publicty Studies Doctrine Mormon

I know about the Tanners, I believe its more of a business to them. You should read this letter sent in response to a visit at the Tanners by some LDS members:

What I gather from it is that the Tanners just use anything anti to fight against the Church (even if the information lacks credibility)

Post Date: 24th Apr, 2003 - 3:21pm / Post ID: #

Mormons - When Shall We Defend? Mormon Publicty
A Friend

Publicty Mormon Defend We When Mormons

The day will come when the truth will be read upon the housetops and all the lies will be exposed, until then I suppose it is turn the other cheek. We would most likely be justified in defending ourselves, it seems as though we are waiting for the day of justice to come and at that time the judgement will come upon those who seek to undermine the true church of Jesus Christ.

31st May, 2003 - 1:30pm / Post ID: #

Publicty Mormon Defend We When Mormons

Here is some food for thought....

When is simply 'their opinion vs. ours' out of control?

In other words, when shall we say in all respect, 'let us agree to disagree' when speaking of things of the Gospel? For me their are several levels of agreement and disagreement:

I agree fully
I agree with apprehension
I am unsure
I honestly do not know
I disagree
I will defend my point
I will fight for my point
I will not tolerate any other opinion

Sometimes in speaking about Gospel points we may see ourselves defending a point of view (to another member or non-member) with great emotion, but when should we stop? Often I see name calling, use of race, country of origin and political views dominating a discussion. The Lord told the Nephites in 11 Nephi that ALL contention is of the devil, yet at other times we see the Prophets speaking hell fire and damnation.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

13th Jul, 2003 - 1:05am / Post ID: #

Mormons - When Shall We Defend? Mormon Publicty

When is simply 'their opinion vs. ours' out of control?

In other words, when shall we say in all respect, 'let us agree to disagree' when speaking of things of the Gospel? For me their are several levels of agreement and disagreement:

it's hard to put a level on contention with others, particularly when it comes to the gospel.

Years ago, I had a few great discussions with a lady from another church.  She once used a reference book that had no less than FOUR different opinions on every aspect of the New Testament.  I just had to laugh.  I said to her, "So, not even your own experts agree on the exact meanings of the scriptures?  How can you begin to understand it at all?"  She was quite angry with me, said at least she had an open mind to new interpretations, and that was the last discussion we had.

We are humans and we have intense, passionate emotions.  It can be difficult to restrain ourselves, particularly over the gospel.

I think the church is right to ignore most of the maligners.  They will have their reward.  To fight them all is to give credence to what they say, and yes, it would exhaust church resources to go after all of them.  Frankly, I've seen a lot of that anti-Mormon literature, and most of it is just laughable.  They twist the truth to suit themselves, and there are so many who really are not very intelligent who buy it.  And, of course, it's encouraged by "the dark side."

I think ignoring it is the wisest course of action.  And pray for forgiveness for those who instigate trouble against the Lord's church.  They're going to need it.


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13th Jul, 2003 - 10:09pm / Post ID: #

Mormons When We Defend Mormon Publicty

I think ignoring it is the wisest course of action.  And pray for forgiveness for those who instigate trouble against the Lord's church.  They're going to need it.

Although to ignore may solve somethings, it will not work in community based perceptions of the Church. Here is an example... for many in Trinidad the Church is conceived as being a 'White Man's Church', 'Blacks hold no ministerial positons'. Now, if all that people see on the streets are 'white' missionaries going around saying, "We arefrom the Church of...' then why would that be wrong? It will be only until a black member goes walking with the missionaries to dispell the ignorance will that point of view change. Here is another example... I am not white, most people who find out I am a member ask the same question about the Church only having 'white' people. I answer simply... "Am I white?" Sometimes it is necessary to open your mouth indeed. I was once on air via a local radio station, I coul not believe that the announcer asked, if it is that we do not drink Coke, coffee, etc because they were all 'black'. I could not help myself and laughed at the idea. I think over the years, because members did not speak out the population 'acquired' these strong misconceptions about the Church here, more especially because the country is 90% Afro-Indian descent.

13th Jul, 2003 - 11:56pm / Post ID: #

Mormons When We Defend Mormon Publicty Mormon Doctrine Studies

Sometimes you just cannot ignore. I never had a problem with opposition of the Church in Argentina but since I came to Trinidad since the majority of the population are blacks they tend to say our Church is for white people run by white people. Actually, I never heard talking so much about races since I am here. :smile.gif I am spanish and my husband is creole. Both of us look spanish and everytime you hear a dumbie saying that our Church is for Americans only I always remind them where I am from...but...they just don't get it :smile.gif

I think we have to open our mouths to defend the Church in every way possible, but always being nice and polite, correcting when is necessary. If contention arises, then leave it like that, since contention only comes from Satan.

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