Our Heavenly Mother

Our Heavenly Mother - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 21st Oct, 2003 - 4:32pm

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8th Dec, 2002 - 2:54pm / Post ID: #

Our Heavenly Mother

A Loving Heavenly Mother

From the LDS hymns we are given little hints of the exsistence of our Heavenly Mother. When I first heard of this doctrine I was probably now entering priesthood as a twelve year old. I was a bit taken aback at first, but quickly accepted it because of the order of God seems closely knitted to the structure of the family. Afterall, don't we refer to Him as Father? Aren't we told that we will be as families in the eternities? The concept of family is as eternal as God himself. Anyway, as I grew I often wondered why there was no specifics given about our Heavenly Mother... I came to these conclusions based on my 'little' knowledge of the Gospel:

1. To first understand this we have to understand the laws concerning sealings and marriage to more than one wife. We could have only been introduced to this law if it were already exsistent in heaven. So we can asertain that Heavenly Father has more than one wife. Western Culture shocks itself at this thought, but plurality in marriage has been exsistant from the early stages of life: David, Abraham, Joseph, and others. The muslims practice marriage to more than one wife as a basic principle yet you never hear anyone griping about it. So this must be something associated with the orthodox belief that Christians can only have one wife. This is strange since all through the Bible we read of the Prophets and Kings being granted more than one wife by the Lord himself. I think the point of all this is that most people do not realize that this is something that has to be authorized by someone in authority, namely God. It is not for man to decide for himself that he should have more than one wife. Lastly, to end this paragraph I should mention that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints do not have anymore than ONE wife. However, we believe that sometime in the eternities there will be a time when a man will be joined to more than one woman (but that is another topic for discussion).

2. Back to our Heavenly Mother. We can deem it possible that we do not know which specific individual in the heavens which is our spirit mother so thus we will know when we return and the veil is removed. If we don't know it's because it is not necessary for salvation nor worship.

3. I am sure Heavenly Father was very aware that because of the wickedness of men His Holy name would be taken for both good and bad among many. We know from history that men seem to curse God more than worship him. With this in mind I feel that placing our Heavenly Mother's name before men to curse also would cause the heavens to cry. Thus, it is kept from us to save the purity and holiness of that which is our Heavenly Mother. This would also spare us from getting some lightning rods in our butt were we to have the knowledge and then curse Her.

Well these are my thoughts, feel free to list any scriptural or prophetic quotes you might have towards this, but please... ONLY positive LDS should post replies to this thread as it is not for 'bashing'. Non-LDS have a board elsewhere in this forum where they can share their beliefs.

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8th Dec, 2002 - 3:59pm / Post ID: #

Mother Heavenly Our

I really don't know why we don't know much about Our Heavenly Mother but I guess is because may be Heavenly Father wants to protect her as a good 'husband' would do.
Who know, she may be very busy as any other 'wife' is...smile.gif
What I do know is that we worship and pray ONLY to Heavenly Father (GOD) and nobody else. But I'll look more about this subject and bring it on.

Post Date: 9th Dec, 2002 - 11:42pm / Post ID: #

Our Heavenly Mother
A Friend

Our Heavenly Mother Studies Doctrine Mormon

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venting station.

I believe it a doggy thing when one talks of God as both a Father and mother its like expressing a duality when their is only a monotheisric creator. One has to be careful as witchvraft and the occult God into God and Goddess. I believe Catholicism are trying to make the virgin mary into the queen of heaven therbt also giving her powers of salvation eaqual to the her son. Infact what all they are doing is bringing the humanly concept of the divine into commonly held paternal human thoughts. But scripture is clear God thoughts are not mans thoughts and so any confusion with monotheisim is idolatry.

Post Date: 11th Dec, 2002 - 3:06pm / Post ID: #

Our Heavenly Mother
A Friend

Mother Heavenly Our

Knowing about our Heavenly Mother is an essential to our salvation as all truth is.  My institute teacher pointed out plainly that the scriptures teach that it is impossibe for a man to be saved in ignorance.  As we learn the gospel more we learn that Heavenly Father is not far from his wife as we know it, the hebrew has a word "El" which is singular for "God" "Eloh" is singular for "Goddess" (though modern Jewish would deny this interpetation that is really what the word means) together they make the word "Elohim" Elohim being the masculine plural form of both el and eloh.  The hebrew word "adahm" is also plural, but has been translated to english as "Adam" and "Mankind"

The way Genesis 1:27 actually translates from Hebrew is as follows:

"So Elohim created Adahm in there image in the image of Elohim created they them, male and female did Elohim create"

In Genesis chapter 2 verse 24Adam says the following:

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh"

Adam knew what a mother was the same way we know what a mother is, because we have one.

11th Dec, 2002 - 3:35pm / Post ID: #

Mother Heavenly Our

In Mormon Doctrine says the following about the word Elohim:

"...Elohim is the plural of the Canaanite El or the Hebrew Eloah; consequently, its literal meaning is Gods. Accordingly, as the Prophet pointed out , such Old Testament passage as, 'In the beginning God (Elohim) created the Heaven and the earth" (Gen. 1:1) should more properly be translated, 'In the beginning the head of the Gods brought forth the Gods' ad they created the heavens and the earth. (Teachings, pp.370-371)

21st Oct, 2003 - 1:06am / Post ID: #

Our Heavenly Mother

One newly restored truth that the Prophet taught-hard for the world to swallow in his day, and still misinterpreted by many in our own time-was the Lord's view of women. The Prophet taught that men and women are of equal value and of equal importance in the sight of God. He preached that in order for a man to achieve his highest potential (the celestial kingdom and godhood) he must have a woman-equally exalted-by his side and sealed to him forever! (See D&C 131:1-4.) A just God would not require the yoking of two unequal beings for eternity. Building upon the foundation laid by Joseph Smith, subsequent prophets taught that God was not single, but married; that there is a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother; and that we were made in their image: male and female children. (See James R. Clark, comp., Messages of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6 vols., Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965-75, 4:203, 205.)Ida Smith, "The Lord as a Role Model for Men and Women," Ensign, Aug. 1980, 66

There are forces that work beyond our sight. Sometimes we think the whole job is up to us, forgetful that there are loved ones beyond our sight who are thinking about us and our children. We forget that we have a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother who are even more concerned, probably, than our earthly father and mother, and that influences from beyond are constantly working to try to help us when we do all we can. "A Sure Trumpet Sound: Quotations from President Lee," Ensign, Feb. 1974, 77

Finally, when we sing that doctrinal hymn and anthem of affection, "O My Father," we get a sense of the ultimate in maternal modesty, of the restrained, queenly elegance of our Heavenly Mother, and knowing how profoundly our mortal mothers have shaped us here, do we suppose her influence on us as individuals to be less if we live so as to return there?Spencer W. Kimball, "The True Way of Life and Salvation," Ensign, May 1978, 4

I want so much to know her...


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21st Oct, 2003 - 4:25pm / Post ID: #

Our Heavenly Mother

I want so much to know her...

This is apocryphal ----
Mosiah Hancock, in his autobiography, related a dream or vision that he had.  In it, he saw the Father, with a large group of wives (I think Bro. Hancock indicated that they were innumerable).  Early leaders also indicated that this was the case.  

Not to bring up the polygamy question here, but if, as several of them said, Celestial Plural Marriage is a foundational principle of the Celestial Kingdom, then this shouldn't come as a great surprise.

Thus, it is entirely possible that there are many "Mothers in Heaven" and that each of us might have different ones.  This is speculation!  I don't make any claims either way.  I just think it can change the way we look at the issue.


21st Oct, 2003 - 4:32pm / Post ID: #

Our Heavenly Mother Mormon Doctrine Studies

I believe there can be little doubt of an existance of a Heavenly Mother.  Just as has already been said, families on earth are patterned after families in the eternities.  Families are comprised of a mother and a father and then children.

So we can asertain that Heavenly Father has more than one wife.

...we do not know which specific individual in the heavens which is our spirit mother so thus we will know when we return and the veil is removed.

Both good points JB.  I agree completely.  I believe we must have a Heavenly Mother and I also agree there is more than one Heavenly Mother, although we all only have one of our own.

I wonder if when we learn who our Heavenly Mother is if we will find any pattern to whom we are here on Earth with which mother we had in the pre-existance.  What I mean is, is it divided along race lines or family lines or no connection at all.  For example, do all Chinese people have the same mother or all blacks?  Not likely, I suppose because what would that mean for those who are not just one race or ethnic group but a mixture, since they can only have one Heavenly Mother.  How about though, will all from the same Earth family have the same Heavenly Mother.  Since mt father's house is a house of order, I believe there must be some connection with who my Heavenly Mother is and where I ended up being born even if it doesn't seem readily apparent to me today.

Not necessary to know for my salvation, but fun to contemplate just the same.

I, too, can't wait to meet my Heavenly Mother.  I feel like I already know my Heavenly Father, but not my mother.

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