Myranni your welcome to join, please do. Being on the other boat is one idea. Maybe you guys got caught on a log and Aive went ahead in his boat figuring you would catch up. I don't want to exclude any other ideas you may have on how to enter, as long as it's done tactfully. For instance flying down in a beam of light is not tactful. Where materializing from a gaseous cloud might be if it had a reason. Like perhaps you carry the potion on you for emergencies and was forced to drink it in a life and death situation. Being carried by the random winds your potion happened to expire here.
This is a stand alone adventure nothing that happens here affects you dark calling characters and vice versa. What you enter in here with is what you have though. So you can't buy a potion in Klagek and then have it here. Your characters do not need to know each other, maybe they have never met before in this world. Any gold, items, or experience you gain here at the completion of the quest does carry over to dark calling though.
Psychonaut, Inferatus has a point I should have caught before, your character is not proficient with those weapons. You will suffer some nasty penalties if you try to use them. I was going to mention earlier that carrying all those weapons around may be an impossibility but I did not want to nit pick. However I did miss the fact that wizards are not proficient with those. If you want you can exchange them back for the full price you spent on them. You only need one, maybe two weapons anyway. Also you are unable to wear leather and hide armor together. Wizards really shouldn't wear armor at all as is gives you a chance of failing to cast spells with somatic components. I humbly suggest you read threw the wizard class description, it has some important details in it I think you may have missed. Sorry for not catching this right away. Psychonaut you are still approved and ok for play, but you may want to rethink some of your equipment. I will also need a list of the spells you are memorizing, you receive a certain amount per day that must be chosen the night before. Every spell in your character sheet is a level 0 spell. You must choose your first level spells as well. Also wizards usually have familiars, not all do but starting off with one is an option. Lastly I would remind you real quick that you can choose a mundane magical item to start off with in my campaign.
Servax's magical amulet isn't going to do anything strange unless you want it too to add to your character. However saying that is glows when undead or near or that it can function as a light spell is a stretch. Probably more of one than I should allow. I'm not saying you were expecting that, just a thought I had. Edited: Oliron on 19th Oct, 2010 - 5:22am
Being that Inferatus and testsubject1 have been keeping a fast pace. I am going to add a rule just for the haunted abbey. If the party leader (Inferatus / Servax) decides by two days he wants to move. He can post with or without the other party members actions. I think this is a good rule because most of this adventure is about combat. I want to keep the party from spending a lot of time waiting for one or two slow posters. Also this hopefully will speed along plans / ideas among the players.
I'm not saying there must be a post after two days. Rather giving the party leader the option to post.
Okay, I've taken a note of your points. Pardon for the troubles with the characters since I ain't exactly an RPG expert, though I never got a chance before this for serious RPGing so...
So yes, I will update myself with the feature of the Wizard class. I assume they are written in the D&D stats page. I will also rebuild my inventory. If you feel that there more that I should know before starting to post, just post me the link and I will update myself with it.
Thank you for tolerating newbies.
Aive move near the zombie then tumble past it and wait to take an attack when it closes in, hopefully it turns on him opening its flank to servax
Just a quick mechanics question Oliron. With regard to the flanking going on in the game thread, should I be incorporating the +2 attack bonus, or would you prefer that to handle that on your end?
Also, Rentok, would you mind posting Myrrani's character sheet here, just for reference sake? Edited: Inferatus on 19th Oct, 2010 - 3:07pm
Female Dryad
True Neutral
XP: 3000
HP: 9/9
AC: 9
Sickle: 1d6
Scholar's Outfit
Spell Component Pouch
Ring of Sustenance
Medium Viper (Familiar)
STR: 3 / -4
DEX: 7 / -2
CON: 9 / -1
INT: 12 / +1
WIS: 11 / +0
CHA: 20 / +5
MAB: -3
GAB: -3
RAB: -1
Fort: +0
Refl: -1
Will: +3
Spells 0 (6/day):
Arcane Mark
Read Magic
Acid Splash
Detect Magic
Spells 1 (7/day):
Magic Missile
Burning Hands
Myrrani's Rapid-Growth Bamboo
Skill Focus (Bluff)
Improved Familiar
18 Bluff (6+5+3+2+2)
05 Concentration (6-1)
07 Spellcraft (6+1)
Also, as for entering, I think I have something, then.
It would be ideal if you posted flanking bonuses with the roll. I know your trying to flank and can deduct it if you didn't.
In regards to why the monk is doing damage. It shouldn't really be character knowledge but I picture zombies a skeletons with a hide. I don't see how slashing would hurt them any more than a pierce, but it's in the rules so I allow it. I allow bludgeoning to bypass the damage reduction as well.
Don't worry Psychonaut we were all newbs at some point. I appreciate your effort, you just need to read up a little more, your doing fine.
I do critical hits different than these rules. If you score a crit. You automatically hit no matter what the targets ac, doing x2 or whatever damage. Edited: Oliron on 20th Oct, 2010 - 6:38am