Yes... Like that part. I'd been up all night, writing until I couldn't write any more, walking down the street to the 7-11 and back, and writing some more. I had a lot of nights like that, during that period. Andrew and Anna were used to being wicked to me to bring me around.
"The Dungeon Masters" was an average documentary. I do not mean to hit hard but it doesn't have the same kind of involvement you would normally get from a National Geographic or Discovery level produced documentary. I may be unfair in my comparison because the later does have a big budget and professionals. My main peeve about The Dungeon Masters was the over focus on the personal lives of the DMs involved and less on the how to... or methodologies of being a good DM. For instance it would have been good to see how each DM plans a scenario, what they use in the planing and things like that.
Name: Maddie
Comments: I want to see a The Dungeon Masters 2! A bit of follow up on the dungeon masters from the first one and then new dungeon masters with different aspects of role-playing captured. Are there any production dates for the future?
When I watched the Dungeon Masters documentary I felt like I was just being given bits of the story manipulated so that it can be entertaining but it would otherwise be dull hum if it were run in normal fashion.
But isn't that how most any documentary is? You have to take hundreds of hours of filming and squeeze it into like 90 minutes so it makes sense and is entertaining. It ain't no easy task so it was a good job.
I have not actually seen the movie (yet) though I definitely plan to. I just want to add that I don't think any Dungeons & Dragons documentary will be about the game itself, the way people imagine it.
Everyone plays Dungeons & Dragons differently and if you have ever sat around a table playing it with more than the same group of people you would know this. Many times I have been playing with fiends and had that familiar moment were I look around and go, "What in the hay am I doing here." People don't show up on time, everyone wants to goof around, you always got that one guy who wants to kill random people for no reason, . . .
What I am getting at is if you were to shoot people playing Dungeons & Dragons probably no one would watch it. Honestly I have spent 4 hours playing and gotten threw one encounter more times than I would like to remember.