My understanding is that the CFR is not, in and of itself, the world-wide secret combination. Most of its members have no idea that it is a front to an inner circle of the real secret combination, known as the Round Table Group. Some of its members are aware that it is a front organization and work to control the output of the CFR. But regardless of whether a CFR member knows or doesn't know that the organization is under the control of the Gadianton Robbers, everyone who has been invited to join has been carefully screened. They are all brilliant, successful, often wealthy and 100% collectivists. Because of this, these people are used by the real GRs to further the work of the Round Table Group.
Although the members of the CFR are not necessarily GRs, it is important to understand that the GRs, or the secret combination, works in secret via front organizations. There are circles within circles, each inner circle containing less and less people, until you get to the final inner circle, where you have the Satanic equivalent of the Lord's prophet: the master mahan.
Most CFR members think that the CFR is just a stepping stone for getting better paying jobs or extended influence, in some way or another, kind of like a high-class employment service, but, because of their collectivist ideology, these people are used by the GRs to further the work of destruction, unknowingly or knowingly.
One would like to think that if they all found out that the Round Table Group was pulling their strings, that they'd denouce the whole plan as un-American and traitorous, but, unfortunately, collectivism is, intrinsically, un-American, Americanism being more individualist than collectivist.
There are approx. 4000 members of the CFR and they are all in the key positions of American politics (both parties), all the major corporations, all the major media, all the major universities, the major religions, and so on and so forth. They pretty much control the power of America. However, because they aren't all the actual Gadianton Robbers, we shouldn't feel all safe and secure. They are all collectivists and are knowingly or unknowingly being used by the secret combination to enact their secret works of darkness.
So, although the CFR is an outer circle (a front organization,) I still consider it a tool of the evil one.
Edited: Buggeyes on 30th Mar, 2004 - 7:33am
The Council on Foreign Relations is considered, by many, to be one of the premier organizations that will form the NWO (New World Order) also known as the modern Gadiantons. In other words, it is (in their opinion) the most visible of the Last Days secret combinations. |
QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 30-Mar 04, 12:45 PM) |
Is this Council on Foreign Relations part of the US government or it is a independent body? who created it? what is the purpose of it?. Sorry for my ignorance, I don't know anything about it, and I'm trying to understand the conection with the secret combinations you all are talking about here. Thanks. |
Most conspiracy theorists consider the CFR to be the main "front" for the overall grand secret combination because so many US leaders are part of it |
Buggeyes, you make some very specific allegations about the CFR. Can you provide sources so that we can research this ourselves to see if we agree with what you have come to conclude about this group? I, for one, can't have an intelligent conversation without making a determination about this myself.
Tena, you can check their web site at :
Let us know what you think and the possible conection with secret combinations. So far I don't see any evidence of that.
QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 30-Mar 04, 2:37 PM) |
But this is only a theory, there is not really proof of anything. I don't really see the conection of the personal secretary of Pres. Hinckley being part of this group and being accussed of secret combinations. |
QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 30-Mar 04, 7:37 PM) |
But this is only a theory, there is not really proof of anything. |