In the Book of Revelations it mentions a person in the last days who will wear the mark of the beast, which mark is represented by the number 666. This mark was set on the hand and head of people that followed the beast.
Parts of the Bible that speak about such things have made popular movies like, 'The Omen' and others whose names I cannot remember at this time.
The Church has not taken any particular stand point on the mark of the beast or the number itself, but there has been many things written about it both in and out of the Church.
Here are some things to consider (may or may not be true):
1. The most specific book I know of (by an LDS author) concerning the Book of Revelations is called, 'Opening the Seven Seals'. It gives four perspectives of the Book of Revelations incluing the Church, secular, and other religious beliefs.
2. Some products have a little number '666' on them. There was an article about this, but cannot find it at the moment.
3. The number '7' represents good, the number '6' would represent less than good or bad. Since someone were to have the number '666' it would represent just how bad the person is...
4. Many believe the Catholic Pope to wear a hat of '666' engraved on it.
5. Many believe this refers to credit cards, which people use to purchase items.
What is your view point? What do you know about it?
Well, I don't know much about this topic what I can say is that the Bible was written in some kind of code so we don't really know why the number 666 is the mark of the beast. I think it has some kind of misterious meaning unknown for us today. This is my personal point of view.
i once heard of a chip that is sirpost to be inplanted in our arm or head it's sirpost to have all our info in it and we can't buy or sell with out it. i'm beginning to think that has something to do with it. i heard it before i was a lds member, but i could be woung
i once heard of a chip that is sirpost to be inplanted in our arm or head |
Interstingly the UPC bar code has 2 thin lines at each end and in the middle - These are representative of the number 6...
The Hebrew and Greek alphabet does not have separate characters or alphabets for numbers and letters. Letters are also used as numbers. So each letter is a numerical value.
The Hebrew equivalent of our "w" is the letter "vav" or "waw". The numerical value of vav is 6. So the English "www" transliterated into Hebrew is "vav vav vav", which numerically is 666.
Well there are just tons of speculation on this subject...
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a MARK in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the MARK, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. |
Yes there are so many ideas about what it all means. There is a guy that has dedicated his time to it a lot. He positions his theories a lot on numeric systems. I used to subscribe to his newsletter, but unsubscribed for certain reasons, I invited him once to come and post his point of view, but he did not show up he is at: https://www.greaterthings.com and his specific thoughts about this are at: https://www.greaterthings.com/Word-Number/6.../666/index.html if anyone wants toi invite him to discuss it they are welcome to.
There is a very informative set of CDs by Richard Draper on the apocalyptic nature of the Book of Revelation. It is his feeling that the number 666 refers to a man...and this man is Nero. He bases this on reports that Nero was the first 'ruler' to make BEING a Christian a capital offense. All part of the Mahanic secret of turning human life into property/$$$. He also feels that the 'mark of the beast' represents thinking and doing the will of Satan as opposed to a chip or tattoo.
Correct or no...something to think about.