I don't know of any specific links, but you can obtain the CDs from Deseretbook.com. The title is "The key to understanding the Book of Revelation" by Richard D. Draper.
Of all the different theories about the mark of the beast, this one made the most sense to me. Anyone who does the will of the beast (mark in the hand) or thinks the thoughts of the beast (mark in the forhead). This is then compared to those that are sealed in their foreheads to God.
[center] I'm Super Active [/center][table] [tr][td] Years a Member: [/td][td] 24 years [/td][/tr] [tr][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr] [/table]
I have studied this topic quite a bit and realise that there is nothing really set out in the form of doctrine. However, it is true that after the worship you receive the mark of the beast being 666. Generally speaking there are only three great sins that all sins can be branched under. Obviously with various degrees of seriousness. What I am referring to are
1 denying of the holy ghost
2 immoral
3 murder
Obviously there more servere the greater the punishment. My personal believe is that as we start to go down the path that would lead to commiting of one or all of these then we are not worshiping god matt 6:24. Any thing less than perfect can not dwell in the presence of God and therefore the need for Christ. I think that this is why the firs presidency have recently come out really strong on the above three topics more then they have ever as this world is accepting the above three sins as being relatively okay. The world is going like sodom and the worst it has ever been. As you read the book of mormon you can see howmany times that they thought the above three sins were okay. As they did so, so they were distroyed or punished. I believe that this applies to us today.
Any thing less than perfect can not dwell in the presence of God and therefore the need for Christ. |
There is a very informative set of CDs by Richard Draper on the apocalyptic nature of the Book of Revelation. |
Therefore, whosoever belongeth to my church need not fear, for such shall inherit the kingdom of heaven (D&C 10:55) |
As long as we stay close to the teachings of our Church leaders and especially the Prophet we don't need to be worried. The Prophet will not lead us astray. |
Good point JB which I hadn't thought of before. We might spend all kinds of time studying Revelation for the signs of the times. We might reflect on the Old Testament and wonder why we don't live our lives more closely in line with it's teachings. However, one of the most important, if not the most important, things we should do is learn what our current prophet tells us. In line with this, conference should be a time to listen and see what the prophet and his leadership finds to be the areas where we must be focusing our attentions.
That leads me to say that Relief Society and Priesthood lessons, which specifically teach us what modern day prophets have to tell us, should be as closely studied as our scriptures and Sunday School study.
I hadn't really thought of it like this before. Thanks for the insight.