I've spent some time reading through some of the information on the website. Quite interesting, especially as it builds on the work of Ron Wyatt. I haven't seen the videos, and probably won't be able to purchase either them or any books. Reading websites is free, so I can usually afford to do that. ;D
I am particularly interested in the work on Mount Sinai. The more I learn about it, the more convinced I am that Ron Wyatt, and now the team from the Nephi Project have found the right place.
Personally, I am not bothered about "evidence" for Lehi in the Wilderness. It is too easy for quibbling about the evidence or lack thereof to take people away from the real messages. Since I am weak on what the real messages are from the Book of Mormon, I find I need to study, ponder, and pray about them more than I need to worry about the evidence. I read about the evidence, including Mt. Sinai, Noah's Ark, etc, more because they make for good mystery stories, and because I am interested in that part of the world, than for support of my faith.