One of the reasons we take things for granted is because of our concept of time. We see time as 'tomorrow' and not as eternal. For all mortals, time represents beginning and end, birth and death, and so on. For Heavenly Father time is present, is now and is forever.
If we see what we do today as affecting us in an eternal sense of time then most likely we would act different. However, most of us will rather dwell on the concept of time and think - "I could just repent tomorrow".
Here are some things to think about time;
1. In the days of Adam and right after him men lived for hundreds of years. How do you think that would change your life if you knew you would live for 967 years?
2. Most times when the prophets in the scriptures talked about their visions they would say 'for the space of many hours' or 'for the space of a time' and it almost seems that at that point for them there really was no concept of time as they were in a 'heavenly state'.
3. Have you ever stopped to think there will be no 'night time' in the next life. There will be no 'see you tomorrow', etc.
4. Since there is no concept of time in the eternities as we know it, why worry about how long it will take you to become perfect
What are your feelings about time?
I believe 'time' and our awareness of it is a wonderful gift. It is unfortunately one of the most potent weapons of the adversary too. It's unfortunate that most people are natural time-wasters - leaving important work for later, sleeping in, letting music CD's, DVD's, Videotapes, Movies and other non-essentials take our time from us. Life on this earth is short at this time and there is only so much we can do in the time given to us. Most of us feel little urgency in our lives to accomplish what we can while we can.
There is so much truth to the saying that 'Each second lost is a second that can never be recaptured'. I for one am very thankful for the time I have been given on this earth and repent each time I realize how much of it I have wasted.
Wow JB, you made me think with those points. I think everyone of us take time for granted. I cannot believe Nephiproject said he repents of wasting time (if you all didn't check his profile, go and check!)
Sometimes we feel we are going to live forever and waste so much time doing stupid things. That's why I'm trying to spend every minute with my son, who is my treasure from Heaven, so he can remembers when he grows up how mommy spent her time with him and have good memories for Eternity.
Wow JB, you made me think with those points. |
I think JB is right on the mark when he says that "For Heavenly Father time is present, is now and is forever. "
Eternal means no beginning and no end and thus transcends our idea of time (having a beginning, middle and end). Thus Heavenly Father lives in 'Eternity' and is constant and unchanging and always 'present' and the Gospel Principles that have been passed along by appointed Prophets of the Lord are Eternal (meaning they also are constant, unchanging and always 'present'. Time is one of God's ingenious ways to shroud his existence from us , and to give us a sense of urgency about our choices in the linear time frame. Many physicists today acknowledge that time travel is theoretically possible. I personally believe it's possible only if we can physically transcend the linear model of time that shrouds all matter. When prophets sometimes see visions, it is always difficult for the Prophet to determine the time frame (like when will this or that happen exactly) - because their visions transcend time and enter the eternal realm.
I also have a new understanding of my marriage for 'time and eternity'. 'Time' while we are functioning in a linear time model where we are acutely aware of beginnings, middles and endings and eternity where there is only 'present' or 'now' forever.
With all this 'time' that we have it is no wonder we don't spend more 'time' doing good to add to our mansion above. However, alas we are only mortal and natural. Hopefully we can catch a perspective, even if so minute, to how eternal time is.
When we are young we sometimes think that we will live forever and that we are invincible, it is only later in life that a realization of how short and precious life really is dawns upon us.
Alma awakens us to a eternal perspective of this mortal existance in the twelth chapter of Alma, verse 24: And we see that death comes upon mankind, yea, the death that has been spoken of by Amulek, which is the temporal death; nevertheless there was a space granted unto man in which he might repent; therefore this life became a probationary state; a time to prepare to meet God; a time to prepare for that endless state which has been spoken of by us, which is after the resurrection of the dead.
When we have faith that this life is a time to prepare for the eternities a greater understanding of the plan of salvation and our place in it is obtained. An appreciation for each day and the blessing of being in our second estate with an opportunity for eternal progression is also acknowledged.
It is kind of sad to see so many in the world with the attitude of eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die, I hate myself when I waist time and wish I could manage it more, I feel a bit of an urgency in general conference, things get more urgent every year like raising the bar, I feel that we may be running out of time. How much more worse could the world get? When things get hard I like the scripure in D&C with Joseph Smith when god says your trials will be but a small moment and if you bear it well you will be rewarded.